Sometimes our greatest adventures begin with the most unexpected of moments. A chance encounter with a stranger. A feeling of helplessness when someone we love begins to slip away. We never ask to go on the journey, but ultimately it reveals the truth we desperately needed to confront.


Officer: Well, that's everything, miladies. Be careful not to break the law again. It stays on your record forever, okay?
Julia: Look at me. I'm shaking.

Fred: Hey, you remember when you told her you were going to transition?
Kate: Yeah, of course I remember.
Fred: Right. And that day when you told us, I just... Whoa, I just couldn't take it all in, you know? Then your mom, she made it crystal clear that if I had any objections, then they were my problems, not yours.
Kate: And did you?
Fred: To be honest, yeah. Yeah, I was afraid. I didn't want you to suffer.

Gala: Are you going to leave your sister out on the street?
Mariona: She is not my sister anymore.

Gala: Mom, tell me the truth. Julie Xatart, who is my father?
Julia: Well, I don't know! I don't know. My memories get mixed up. Plus, I was pretty busy back then. I had several suitors.

Amat: Well, I need to go back now. Where should I take you?
Gala: I don't know. We have no home. No money. Jail was better. We had a bed.

Land of Women Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Officer: Well, that's everything, miladies. Be careful not to break the law again. It stays on your record forever, okay?
Julia: Look at me. I'm shaking.

Sometimes our greatest adventures begin with the most unexpected of moments. A chance encounter with a stranger. A feeling of helplessness when someone we love begins to slip away. We never ask to go on the journey, but ultimately it reveals the truth we desperately needed to confront.
