Elizabeth: What's Ambassador Newman saying?
Russell: Newman's a tenor who sits on a phone book to drive. He can't help us. This situation requires some brass balls.
Elizabeth: So you're sending me in? Well, there's a compliment in there somewhere.

Russell: I hope you don't mind. My wife still checks my steps. Wants me alive for some reason.
Elizabeth: Eh, I'll agree with her on that.
Russell: So do I. I just wish I could do it in a hammock, with short ribs.

If I can't be honest with people about who I am then how can I ever have an honest experience with them?


I need to be doing work that matters today.


Henry: I'm sorry that you felt ambushed.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry that I called you out in front of the leader of the free world.

You've proven yourself to have more character and integrity than 99% of the pampered, gelatinous blue-bloods who skulk through the halls of Harvard.

Russell [to Stevie]

Matt [in a bad Italian accent]: Ah, Roma...city of carbs-ah.
Elizabeth: I have to admit, I've been dreaming about the stracchi for the past week. [high fives Matt, receives glare from Nadine] And the deal with Russia on tax avoidance.

I don't make it, clear my search history!

Jason [in the nurses office]

Elizabeth: You ambushed me!
Henry: I would have told you, but we were a little busy trying to prevent a bioterror attack.
Elizabeth: If only there were some method of communication where you could send messages almost instantaneously...

Kind of ironic, asking me to keep secret secretly pull strings to help make your daughter more independent.

Russell [to Elizabeth]

Nadine: So you have anxiety about running into old colleagues?
Blake: Not unless you count waking up at two am in a cold sweat from stress nightmares where I'm back there and all the doors are locked and I'm naked, but...[Nadine laughs] not really.

Handsome really does come with it's own free pass, doesn't it?


Madam Secretary Season 3 Quotes

Elizabeth: Yes, Matt, my question was largely rhetorical. But I appreciate you being at the ready with your political ire.
Matt: Well, I'm always here for you, ma'am.

Daisy: You were a huge hit at the fair, ma'am. Your pig remark is trending.
Elizabeth: Wow, take that Lincoln and your Gettysburg Address. *I'm* going to be known for the pig remark.