Deeks: Must be my LAPD influence.
Lance: Not likely.

You know what's crazy? You look just like my dad.

Alessandra [to Deeks]

This doesn't feel like a win.


They're brine shrimp. They're born to be food.

Nell [to Eric, about his sea monkeys]

Well, if it isn't the Little Mermaid.

Callen [to Sam]

It really is a graveyard. This office, it's cursed.


Sam [to Callen]: They think they're hunting [Mosley]: But I think she's hunting them.

You can take the kid out of the barrio, but ...


Is that a trick question? That sounds like a trick question.

Deeks [to Rogers]

I'm sure they can buff it out.

Callen [to Sam]

Want a beer?

Turk [to Mosley]

Eric: Dead Eddie's phone just came online.
Nell: Do we have to call it that?
Eric: Well, he is dead, and it is his phone.

NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Quotes

I don't care how you do it but get it done, or you're going to wish you were in that jeep with the rest of your team.

Kilbride [to Mosley]

I'm here because you're up to your ass in alligators.

Admiral Kilbride