Helen: Do you trust me?
Max: With my life.

Zach: Dr. Bloom, you are actually a very decent human being.
Lauren: Don't tell anyone.
Zach: I, uh, I thought that I could be there for you, but I can't.
Lauren: You were great.
Zach: I took the pill. I took quite a few. I know what I've done is beyond. I know I need help. I've already lost my family and my friends. I can't afford to lose anyone else.
Lauren: When you finish rehab, don't call me. Don't email me. Don't text me. I can't ever see you again. But you know that, right?

Evie: Don't scare me like that again.
Floyd: It's all good.I'm right here, baby.
Evie: Life is too short for long-distance. I'm turning down the job in San Francisco.
Floyd: No. San Francisco is sounding really good about now.

Helen: I'm sorry that I put you in danger, but I didn't know what else to do.
Max: It was the only thing to do. It was brave. Selfless smart. It was you, and you deserve to be at a place that sees you. Appreciates you 100 percent, and if that place isn't New Amsterdam, then you should go. You should go. No matter how much I want you to stay... it's not about what I want. And yeah it'll be weird not seeing you every day, and I will miss you, but we live in the same city, right? So we can always get a coffee and eat food together.
Helen: Max, I'm not going anywhere.
Max: You're not? So you just let me do that whole awkward, rambling speech for no reason.
Helen: Yes.
Max: Okay. It's not cool. So, you found a reason to stay.

New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Max: OK, listen to me, by the end of the week, you're going to have everything back, okay? Your department. Deputy medical director. In the meantime, there's your patients, the committees. We still need you here, okay? I-I need you here.
Helen: And what about what I need? Because I don't think I can find it at New Amsterdam.
Max: So what are you ... you're going to leave?
Helen: I'm looking for a reason to stay. And right now, I can't find one.

Max: If Brantley doesn't reinstate you immediately, then she can demote me too.
Helen: Max, I don't need you to fix this. I don't need you to threaten people. I just need some time to think.
Max: What is there to think about?
Helen: What am I still doing here?