Iggy: I know this looks bad.
Kapoor: I'm not sure bad is the right word to describe it.
Iggy: But what we saw on that tape is rage, OK, and there is usually a reason for rage. It's situational, not chemical.

Lauren: How many times did you scrub each finger?
Floyd: What?
Lauren: How many times?
Floyd: 10.
Lauren: Why not nine or, uh, 11? Superstition?
Floyd: Routine.
Lauren: What was that thing you were reciting earlier?
Floyd: Invictus.
Lauren: Oh. Do you always recite Invictus while scrubbing in?
Floyd: I do.
Lauren: Kind of like prayer?
Floyd: Lauren, have it.
Lauren: Ritual. Loosen up Dr. Reynolds, not everything is going to go according to your plan. [under breath] Or everyone.

Helen: If you're looking for a hide-out, this one's taken.
Max: Who are you running from?
Helen: Patients. You?
Max: Doctors. One in particular. You shouldn't be here.
Helen: Well that makes two of us. I really didn't expect to care this much.
Max: That's exactly why you should be here.

Helen: The changes you made are going to help thousands of people.
Max: What about the one I married?
Helen: Oh Max, you haven't told her you have cancer, have you? What are you waiting for?
Max: To not have cancer.
Helen: You can't carry this load by yourself. Not as a medical director. Not as a patient. Certainly not as a husband or father. You've been telling everyone: put the patient first, so why don't you take your own advice? Consider this our first appointment, and your first order of business is to tell your wife you have cancer.

Leo: It was my fault.
Iggy: What was your fault, Leo?
Leo: My dad died. My fault.

Ryder, he said I should be dead like my dad. That day finally I had to make it stop.


Obstetrician: She can't be under any stress physical or emotional. It could hurt her and the baby. You understand?
Max: Yes.

Georgia: Hey, what's wrong?
Max: I, um, I--
Georgia: Hey, remember you promised. Let me in. Just tell me one thing. Just one true thing.
Max: I love you.

Judge: What are you proposing Dr. Frome?
Iggy: Well, Leo needs to be able to process this displaced guilt, and he can't do that if he's buried in a drug-induced haze. He needs to be able to feel. He needs to be able to talk to somebody. Let him talk to me. Let me help him.

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Who needs breakfast, am I right? Fistful of pills every morning.


Iggy: Based on your extensive experience--
Kapoor: You mean to say old?
Iggy: Yes, exactly. How long do you think this Max guy can shake things up before the Dean steps in?
Kapoor: Not long. Dean of Medicine does not like things shaken up. Based on my extensive experience.