Lauren: It's what happens every time. Every time men, good men, have a conversation about abortion, it's all women's rights, and we're you're ally right up until it affects them. That is what is happening here, Floyd. Because we're not talking about my abortion, are we? No, we're talking about how you feel about my abortion. We're suddenly and not surprisingly taking care of you.
Floyd: OK, what were your feelings about it?
Lauren: My feelings? I didn't have any. It was not a big deal.
Floyd: If it wasn't a big deal, why did it take you five years to tell me about it?

The cancer is not killing her; politics are. I don't have a cure for that? Does anyone?


Martin: We could be living in a country that could take our children away from us. If we gotta fight that fight and you have a criminal record... we can't take our lives for granted anymore. They're our kids. We've gotta protect them with everything we have.
Iggy: You're right. I'll do it.

Karen: Do something!
Max: As in what?
Karen: Fix this.
Max: The Supreme Court made a decision.
Karen: What if I were to give you all the resources this hospital has to offer carpe blanche? What if the only words to come out of my mouth were "yes" and "how much?" How can you help?

Lauren: Forget about all the women out there with unwanted or dangerous pregnancies. Forget about my own life.
Floyd: Your own life?
Lauren: Yeah, it was a while ago., I was addicted to Adderall.I couldn't be pregnant, and I couldn't be someone's mother. Floyd: When was that?
Lauren: It was a while ago. Why does it matter?
Floyd: Wasn't that when we were together?

I've had two abortions. Got my first when I was in college. I was 20. Someone slipped something in my drink, and I woke up in a stranger's bed with no memory of what had happened to me. And I got the second one around five years ago. I was falling in love with someone who would have made an amazing father, but he told me that I didn't fit into his future. Those were both very difficult times for me. But deciding whether or not to have an abortion, that was clear. And I was able to do the right, responsible thing, and I was able to get it done responsibly and quickly. But you know what? The circumstances, they shouldn't even matter. You should be able to get an abortion simply because you are pregnant, and you didn't want to be. That's the very definition of choice.


Do you know what I was doing this morning before I came here for what was supposed to be a routine checkup? I was with my friends celebrating the end of Roe v. Wade. I'm not having an abortion, Dr. Wilder, not today, not ever.


Karen: We fought and fought and in 1973, we won. I can't believe we're back here again.
Max: how is this the world that Luna has to grow up in?
Karen: I'm sorry, Max. I shouldn't have asked you to try to fix this. It wasn't fair. It wasn't realistic. What can one person do?

I know you're just trying to help me, so here is how you can change my mind. Tell me what you believe in most, that thing at your core that makes you you and then betray it. Rip out who you are everything you think is right and do it for a medical decision. Can you do that? Because if you can, I'll get the chemo.


Wilder: Pretty sure this is illegal.
Max: Yeah, but don't worry because I have a good lawyer.

You're my touchstone. You're my best friend, and if you had been here, I wouldn't have done something as stupid as trying to save her.


People are getting hurt, and it would be so easy to just fix it, and all they keep telling me is how they can't. Can we get something done? How can running the largest public hospital in the city easier than fixing a street corner?


New Amsterdam Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

Mina: Is this the guy you were dating.
Helen: What, no...
Max: Quick question, did you say were dating?