The police only see what they choose to look for. The Machine sees almost everything.


Did we actually accomplish anything here?


The thing about striking out on your own is that's usually how you end up.


He killed his friend and shot me in the back, I wasn't thinking of protecting him.


Fusco: I should have shot you and simplified my life.
Reese: Pressure getting to you?

I care about HR, Fusco, not the money. What you do with it is your business.


He say anything yet, like who kicked his ass sideways?


Shaw: You can't expect me to shoot somebody on an empty stomach.
Finch: I'd prefer you didn't shoot anyone at all.

Looks like you could use a lift.


The truth is that she's chosen me, and I don't know why yet.


You can't stop the inevitable, Detective. Change will happen whether you embrace it or not.


Reese: How did you know I would shoot?
Kohl: You are a solider like me.

Person of Interest Quotes

Knowledge is not my problem. Doing something with that knowledge is where you come in. You can call me Mr. Finch.


When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different, someone better. When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?
