Just stop talking, Wes. You're a hack. I know it. Everyone knows it. And when you get arrested for all this, no one will be talking about how you're a great filmmaker. Just some other small, pathetic, loser monster with a grudge against the world who wants to feel like a big man.


It's like I told you, Tabs. It's hard for young white guys trying to break in right now. The doors just don't fly open like they used to 'cause they are too busy opening up for people like you.


Look, Imogen, I know you have been through a lot. But please, believe me, when I say that I would never do anything to hurt you.


Mouse: Tabby, Christian does make horror masks. I mean, you did find a Bloody Rose one in his basement.
Tabby: Thank you for that, Mouse. It must be nice to have a perfect boyfriend who no one thinks is a murderer.
Mouse: It really is.

Imogen: Can you imagine how angry Archie Waters would be that we are finally moving on?
Tabby: You mean, if he were still alive?

Good morning. Nice to see you here so early. You're going to need that extra discipline, considering you all failed your keystone practice exam.

Principal Smithee

How well do you know Tabby and Imogen's new boyfriends? They just kind of showed up outta nowhere. I mean, doesn't that Christian guy make horror masks?


Lola: This is my friend, Mouse. Rose waters. She was Angela's mom. And Angela was friends with...
Mouse: With Mom.

Faran: I had the chance to take Bloody Rose down again, but...
Kelly: If I get an opinion here, you did the right thing, saving me instead.
Faran: It wasn't even a question. Despite the shit you pulled at Hell House.
Kelly: I am so sorry about that.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Lola: This is my friend, Mouse. Rose waters. She was Angela's mom. And Angela was friends with...
Mouse: With Mom.

Faran: I had the chance to take Bloody Rose down again, but...
Kelly: If I get an opinion here, you did the right thing, saving me instead.
Faran: It wasn't even a question. Despite the shit you pulled at Hell House.
Kelly: I am so sorry about that.