Ruby: Vickers.
Vickers: Ruby. What is it?
Ruby: Look, I’m sorry for the hour, but we have a problem. Sugar is on to Stallings. It’s only a matter of time before he discovers the rest.
Vickers: Well, we need to stop him. It’s time to tell the others.
Ruby: The others.
Vickers: Do what you can, but it’s time to let them know.

Ruby: We’re here to observer these people, not participate in their lives.
Sugar: I know.
Ruby: I mean, this was your idea.
Sugar: I know.
Ruby: Because of what happened to Jen. Sugar, you need to focus. Don’t forget who you are.

Ruby: What is this?
Sugar: An objective account of personal interactions that occur as a result of my stated profession.

You love her. You know, I think if you’re going to do something stupid, it’s probably the best excuse going.

Sugar [to Melanie]

He’s hiding something, or at least I hit a nerve. Being told to fuck off is usually a sign of progress.

Sugar [internal]

I don’t like hurting people. I really don’t. But this is what I mean. A drug overdose. It happens every day. Why do I care? Why do I feel angry? Why do I feel anything at all?

Sugar [internal]

You know, I think that movies are a conspiracy. I mean it…. They are actually a conspiracy because they set you up, Florence. They set you up from the time you were a little kid. They set you up to believe in everything. In ideals and strength and good guys and romance and of course, love. Love, … There’s no Charles Boyer in my life, Florence… I never met Clark Gable, I never met Humphrey Bogart. I never met any of them… You know who I am. I mean, they don’t exist, Florence. That’s the truth.

Minnie [from Minnie and Moskowitz]

It helps when they’re stupid. It’s not as much fun, but it moves things along.

Sugar [internal]

Bernie: I gotta tell ya, Sugar. I think you’re wasting your time and my father’s money. Olivia will come back any day now, just like she always does, ready to go to rehab again.
Sugar: If I was her father, I’d find that concerning.
Bernie: You’re not, and I don’t.
Sugar: Your father does.

Nice place. She’s a Siegel, so of course it is.

Sugar [internal]

Why is he having me followed? What did I do? I’m one of the good guys. Although, to be fair, out here, good and bad can be in the eye of the beholder, and I don’t think Davy Siegel beholds me highly.

Sugar [internal]

You’re drunk. I’m not.

Sugar Quotes

Nice place. She’s a Siegel, so of course it is.

Sugar [internal]

Mr. Spiegel: So, you’re a film buff.
Sugar: Buff? Buff is putting it lightly. It’s more like an addiction.