You wanted to do that as a kid.


Lois: Are you out of your mind? You don't go snooping around some guy from another world's murder van.
Jonathan: I thought it was safe earlier.
Clark: Jonathan, nothing is as it seems with this kind of stuff.
Lois: I said I would go back in there with you. What were you thinking?
Jonathan: I just thought I'd look around.
Lois: Without me? Jonathan, what were you really doing in there?
Jonathan: Mom, even I knew how upset you were earlier about what we saw in there, and then that crazy hammer thing that he made, I thought that maybe I could go in there and I could look for.
Clark: Woah, hang on, you were looking for weapons?
Jonathan: Dad, you and Jordan basically are weapons. I am the only one in this house that is completely unarmed.
Clark: Jonathan, your mother and I will protect you.
Jonathan: Really.
Clark: Yes.
Jonathan: Because I was one second away from being dead, and Mom couldn't do anything, and you, you almost didn't even make it in time.
Lois: Jonathan, look at me. Look at me. I let you come with me because I trusted you, I trusted that you were responsible enough to know how dangerous this all is.
Jonathan: So now you don't trust me?
Clark: Okay, let's calm down.
Lois: You knew there was a risk, I know you did, and yet you went in anyway. Alone, behind my back to find weapons. You almost died. Not because you were unarmed, because you were reckless. Stupid. And if you had died, the only person that would have been to blame is yourself.

Mr. Edge was upset you didn't take him up on his offer.


Did you lie to me?
There was no position for you.


This man died six years ago.

Clark, he's the stranger.

I want answers or I'll walk away.

I don't think I've ever been as scared as I was today.


Do you understand how dangerous this could be? That anger you felt, I have those feelings too.


Those Metropolis guys made my life hell. Let me shut them up.


Samuel: Sounds like you're on the mend.
Clarke: I got lucky.

If it wasn't for the boys, you might have died tonight.

Superman & Lois Season 1 Quotes

Lois: We came here as a family.
Clark: It's too dangerous for them to know.
Lois: It's more dangerous if they don't.

Jordan: Our dad told us all these stories about growing up here.
Sarah: He tell you it sucks?
Jordan: Actually, I think he kind of loved it.