I'm Jackson Haan. Your new Chief of Surgery.


Shaun: I've been working with the new Chief of Surgery.
Glassman: How's that going?
Shaun: Not very well.

Shaun: I am a surgical resident.
Haan: You were.

We're tumor twins.


Buying a new vase is easy. Vacuuming up my grandmother's ashes is not so easy.


Lim: Your advice to me not to second-guess myself makes me think you're second-guessing yourself.
Melendez: About what? You're the one who insisted we deal with the heart before the brain.
Lim: And you didn't fight me.
Melendez: Cause you were right.
Lim: And you've never thought anyone but yourself was right since you first set foot in an OR. You backed off because we're sleeping together!

Molly. Right now your face is all anyone sees. This operation will let everyone see, not a new face, but what has always lay behind it.


Glassman: Do you know how stupid this is?
Driver: It's a quest! Quests are never stupid.
Glassman: Quests are by definition almost always stupid.

You want to take my daughter's face and put it on someone else?

Grieving mother

Shaun: Am I high?
Glassman: You're pretty high.
Shaun: Am I acting more normal?
Glassman: No, you're acting high.

Shaun: I didn't know boredom was a side effect of chemotherapy.
Glassman: It's a side effect of me sitting on my ass all day.

Doctor: CT confirms an aortic dissection.
Morgan: She needs a thoracotomy.
Melendez: Aorta hasn't ruptured yet. And she has a pseudo-aneurysm. We have to go after her head trauma first.
Lim: I don't see any brain bleeds. And we can monitor her. In this case, the heart trumps the head.

The Good Doctor Season 2 Quotes

Hello, I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy. I'm a surgical resident at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.


Dr. Blaize: I think you had me reinstated as your last official act before they booted you as president because I am the best oncologist around and you would like to get the best treatment.
Glassman: Yeah. So, I'd like to ensure that the brain -- in this instance, my brain -- stays as dry as possible during surgery, maintain minimal swelling. I would still like to be able to swing my 9-iron when we're done here.
Dr. Blaize: Of course, it's also possible that you had me reinstated because you'd like an oncologist who thinks they owe you and you want to push them around.
Glassman: Look, Dr. Blaize, I am like any other patient, entitled to have a say in my own treatment, but unlike any other patient, I have spent my entire adult life digging into people's brains. So, if you think I'm going to sit around and watch, you're mistaken.
Dr. Blaize: Well, if you think you can operate on yourself I'd happily add you to the list of potential surgeons.