How can I be an effective governor when I’m not sure I trust my own judgment anymore?


You didn’t think I’d miss your wedding, did you?


Bill: I let you down, and for that, Rosemary, I’m truly sorry.
Rosemary: We would have figured out that Jeanette was posing as Shaw a lot sooner if we were working together.
Bill: I couldn’t agree more. We made a good team, you and I.

Allie: It’s really nice seeing how happy she makes you.
Nathan: Nothing is going to change between you and me. We’re still going to spend a lot of time together.

Fiona: Hi Mike!
Mike: Well, if it isn’t my best woman.
Bill: Best woman?
Lee: It’s the 1920s’. What are you going to do?

It isn’t until someone tries to take something away from you that you realize you still want it.


Nathan: I found myself falling for you, and it felt wrong because the reason I asked to be assigned here was to protect you after
Elizabeth: after Jack died.

Mei, you are, without exaggeration, the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.
