MIRANDA: "Since when do you 'get out?'"
ADDISON: "Clearly, I'm not myself today."
MIRANDA: "Never would have figured Mark Sloan to be your type."
ADDISON: "He's not... he's not... What is he doing here? He's not supposed to be here. I can't have him here, I can't. He's supposed to be in New York. I can't function with him here. I'm a professional here, people respect me here, but when he's here I'm just... I'm..."
MIRANDA: "A woman who gets the hots for man candy and cheats on her husband."
ADDISON: "That is rude. And unkind. And completely true. And oh my God, what am I gonna do?"
MIRANDA: "For starters, you can keep your knees closed in his presence."
ADDISON: "Miranda!"
MIRANDA: "You asked. And also, you can remember, that no man, not Derek, not Mark, defines who you are."

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Miranda Bailey, Addison Shepherd
Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 4: "What I Am"
Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

ALEX: "Why not just cut me loose and let me in on a surgery where I might actually learn something?"
ADDISON: "Mark Sloan's burn case."
ALEX: "I'm going into plastics anyway."
ADDISON: "You think that Mark Sloan has anything to teach you? He's just like you. He's only looking out for himself."
ALEX: "So what? Your patient's looking out for herself, you're looking out for yourself."
ADDISON: "No, I'm not, actually."
ALEX: "Well, maybe you should be."

CRISTINA: "So, who's the father?"
MEREDITH: "I can't be pregnant, can I?"
CRISTINA: "Aw, a McBaby!"

Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 4 Music

  Song Artist
Song If Looks Could Kill Camera Obscura
Song Standing in the Way of Control The Gossip
Song Back In Time Grey's Anatomy Au Revoire Simone