That is not the kind of life I want to model for my child. That is not what I want him to believe married love is. And I know what's possible, I know what's out there for me because you taught me well. You and mom showed me what true love looks like, so I chose not to settle, and I'm happier for it. Even if I'm alone at Christmas. My child is healthy, and I'm happy. --You know, part of my happiness is the fact that I got to repair a woman's bowel and save her life today. And that's God's work, which makes this an appropriate Christmas dinner conversation. --I'm happy, and my child is healthy, and that's enough for me today, Dad. That's enough.


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Miranda Bailey
Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Episode 10: "Holidaze"
Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

Derek: I'll write a check. How much?
Arizona: I'll split it with you.
Mark: I have a teenager - what if she wants to go to college?
Arizona: Have you met her?
Mark: Fine, I'm in.

Meredith: Were you drinking when I was a kid? When you left me with my mother and got another family and never looked back?
Thatcher: No. I didn't start drinking until much later.
Meredith: Well then, we can't blame the world's evils on alcohol, can we?

Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Episode 10 Music

  Song Artist
Song Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Grey's Anatomy Coldplay
Drummer Boy Jars of Clay iTunes
Song Awakening Sebastien Schuller iTunes