Henry: Please tell me you got a detail on her. [Stevie]
Intelligence Agent: Covert operation, plainclothes officers. She won't know anything about it. That's what we want, because we don't want the Russians to know we're onto them.
Henry: We should be doing more. She should be in a safe house.
Intelligence Agent: I don't think she's in any immediate danger. Russian operatives came after Dmitri Petrov on American soil because he was one of their own that turned traitor. That's not the case here.
Henry: We no longer know what the Russians are doing or what they're capable of.

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Madam Secretary Season 5 Episode 7: "Baby Steps"
Madam Secretary
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Madam Secretary Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Dalton: We're withholding aide to all Tier Three countries.
Elizabeth: Sir, that could have a negative effect on populations. It would be more fair to approach this on a case by case basis.
Dalton: Fair? Women in these countries are being ripped from their homes. I want fairness for them.

It won't be long now. Soon we'll be holding our baby girl in our arms.
