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Jamie shoots a “civilian” during a training exercise and fails. Later, the training officer, Sgt. Ray Langley, hits on Eddie after offering to help her advance her career. She turns him down and later feels uncomfortable around him. Jamie picks up on it and she tells him what happened. Jamie and Langley argue about Eddie while they are out on patrol. Eddie asks Jamie to drop it but Jamie finds out that Langley makes it a habit to hit on women under his charge. Jamie calls Langley out on his inappropriate behavior and suggests he take a transfer to Staten Island. 

Tim Harrison, one of the longest serving cops on the force takes mandatory retirement. He was one of Henry’s favorites but Tim is no fan of Frank Reagan, saying he’s more concerned with politics than being willing to do what needs to be done to clean up the city. 

The next day, Tim is accused of shooting a man on the subway who took his wallet while he was drunk and asleep. He also shot a second man who was trying to break things up. No one can find Tim. Tim eventually calls Frank but he won’t turn himself in. Frank is upset when Henry accuses him of not liking or caring about what happens to Tim. Frank says he moved Tim out to Staten Island because the population there is 75% white. Frank believes Tim is a racist. 

Tim shows up at the courthouse with a gun. Erin has to talk him down and he is arrested. He later talks to Henry who tells him the second man he shot was only trying to help but Tim won’t believe him because the guy was black. Tim believes he has a solid defense but Frank encourages him to take a plea deal. 

Baez sees a man, Octavio Nunez, in a restaurant whom she says she witnessed stomp a boy to death when she was only 10 years old. Nunez disappeared a month later and no charges were ever filed. Baez considers letting it go because she still has family living on the same block but when Nunez blows up a building when the owner won’t sell, Baez and Danny decide to try and take him down.

Baez goes to her mother and sister but they are angry she won’t let Nunez go and forget about it. Baez sister says that her being a cop is the reason their brother is dead. Later, Erin encourages Danny to look for the little crimes that lead to the bigger crimes. Danny arrests Nunez for wrongful conviction and then Baez comes forward and testifies to seeing him commit murder. 

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Blue Bloods Season 6 Episode 13 Quotes

This thing is going to haunt you until you put it down.


I know you don't like the man or care about what happens to him.
