Chilling Adventures of Sabrina News

21 TV Characters Who Are Crafty AF

21 TV Characters Who Are Crafty AF

Crafts will never die, and TV characters are on our screens doing their craft by whatever means necessary. Here are a few characters who knit, sew, bake, embroider, and woodwork on television.
Posted in: New Girl
29 TV Characters Who Look Good in Orange

29 TV Characters Who Look Good in Orange

Some TV characters are guilty, some are innocent, and some have been framed. But the one thing they all have in common? They can impressively pull off an orange jumpsuit.
Posted in: Scandal

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Quotes

Sabrina: I'm leaving my girlhood behind.
Harvey: In the woods?

You're only supposed to start missing things after you've said goodbye to them, right?
