Peanut Factory - CSI: Vegas
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Folsom collects intel from Art in the Sheriff's Department, bypassing Serena. Catherine informs Maxine that Chris has started a pool betting between Folsom and Allie for day-shift supervisor. Max's quiet week without a murder ends. TV weatherman Ned Kirby has been killed and his body found on the conveyor belt of a pistachio-processing plant. The automated belt starts up unexpectedly, ruining the crime scene. It appears Kirby was hit on the head then driven to the plant in the news van. Milton determines Kirby was allergic to tree nuts. Folsom tells Allie he's worried about Jeannette. Catherine and Allie take samples and look for suspects at the station. The station manager shows them footage of a confrontation between Kirby and the plant owner. Beau finds a fake eyelash among the nuts. Someone at Channel 9 tampered with Kirby's makeup, putting ground nuts in it to poison him. The fake lash belonged to weathercaster Autumn Skye, Kirby's lieutenant. Autumn admits to poisoning Kirby but denies shooting him. She was at work when Kirby was shot. A bucket of nuts includes Ned's pocket square, which has an algae-like substance on it. Serena discovers Folsom has been going around her while investigating Jeannette's case. She demands they break for a week. Mayor Chip Tyler refuses to turn over Tawny's firearms. Allie finds a green substance and hair in Tawny's drained fountain. Folsom locates the shell casing. Folsom and Allie determine that the conveyor belt was turned on manually when CSI was there earlier. They find foundation makeup on a switch. Chip killed Kirby and Autumn, with whom he was having an affair, threw the conveyor switch. Tawny reports on the arrest of Chip and Autumn. Max shocks Allie with the promotion. Joshua is off tailing Jeannette, who appears to be moving drugs.

CSI: Vegas
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CSI: Vegas Season 2 Episode 20 Quotes

Art: Those are some rough guys, Folsom. Watch your back.
Folsom: You know me, Art.
Art: I do. That's why I said that.

Tawny: Working on my tan, huh? Go to hell, Ned.
Ned: I'm sure I'll see you there.