Box Training - Dark Matter (2024) Season 1 Episode 5 - Dark Matter (2024)
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Jason1 and Amanda test their theory about how to control the Corridor's portals. Jason1 thinks positive thoughts.

But instead the Corridor is flooded with a deluge from a world overrun with water. They barely survive after Jason1 shuts the door.

They determine that was because Jason1 was feeling overwhelmed when he opened the door.

To pass the time as they organize their thoughts, they talk about their mothers and the previous Box pilots.

After a good night's sleep, they open the door to what appears to be a deserted Velocity lab. Still, they go searching for food.

In an unlocked room, they find skeletal remains. This causes machinery to activate.

They get caught by an armed Blair. She and Amanda embrace.

They catch Blair up. Jason1 tells her that the Blair on his world is a bioethics lawyer.

Blair arrived on that world three months ago and got the emergency generators running for the abandoned lab.

That world is overrun by giant bees.

But Blair is more scared of going back in The Box.

Jason2 impresses upon Leighton1 about guarding his thoughts when dealing with The Box.

Leighton1 is looking forward to a challenge that his money and connections can't overcome. But he admits to Jason2 that he's a little scared as well.

Blair explains to Amanda that Amanda needs to figure out what kind of world she wants to land in and not worry about Jason1.

Blair refuses to go with Jason1 and Amanda.

Jason2 prepares Leighton1 for his trip in The Box.

Blair gives Amanda her field notebook hoping it will help.

Amanda doesn't understand why Jason2 failed to let the other pilots in on his knowledge of traveling through The Box.

Jason1 explains how he chose family over his research.

Leighton1 offers Jason2 a million dollars for every ampule he provides.

Jason1 decides to write down the world he wants to see in order to focus his attention.

Jason1 thinks The Box has taken him to the warehouse where Jason2 took him after abducting him.

But the streets outside look deserted for Chicago.

Jason1 finds a functional car and insists on driving to his home. Amanda has her doubts about this idea.

A sickly version of Daniela answers his knock. This world has been lost to a plague.

Jason1 gives Daniela the morphine the doctor left for him.

They reminisce about a family trip to Yellowstone.

Then she hands him the first injector of morphine for her.

Amanda points out that Jason1 carried his worst fear through the door: the fear of losing his family to illness, like his mother dying from cancer.

They need to control their subconscious as well.

Again Jason1 thinks the next world they visit is his. Amanda notes that he has no plan if he meets up with Jason2.

Daniela is upset because Jason2 didn't talk to her about all the radical changes he'd made on Charlie's birthday. He explains his decisions to her.

Jason1 arrives at his house and grabs a knife in the kitchen.

But he landed on a world where Jason is Daniela's ex-husband who's supposed to be in prison. She calls 911 and Charlie tackles him.

With the cops looking for Jason, they can't use public transporation.

Amanda goes to see her mother. But Amanda is dead on that world.

They end up stealing her car.

Mara, a technician, catches up Jason2 on what has happened at Velocity as he grabs two more batches of ampules.

Jason2 informs Leighton1 he needs to seal up the box in Jason1's world after Leighton1 departs.


















Dark Matter (2024)
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Dark Matter (2024) Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Jason 1: That's a waste of two ampules.
Amanda: Taking time to emotionally regulate ourselves is a calculated investment. in both of us continuing to live. You can't lie to this thing. It knows.

Amanda: You should say it out loud.
Jason1: OK, I'm feeling very safe and happy and warm. And I just want to go home.