Homeland Reviews

Homeland Review: A Man, A Plan

Homeland Review: A Man, A Plan

Abu Nazir used Brody to help him get at Vice President Walden on this week's Homeland. Did the terrorist have this plan the entire time?
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: Company Cleanup

Homeland Review: Company Cleanup

Carrie's effort to take down Nazir fell just short on this week's Homeland, and we found out some new information about Quinn. Read the review for our opinion of it all...
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: Tailor Made

Homeland Review: Tailor Made

Brody was no help in saving a number of members of Carrie's team on this week's Homeland. Should Carrie continue to trust him?
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: It Feels Good

Homeland Review: It Feels Good

Carrie did her best to gain Brody's trust on this week's Homeland. What was our favorite moment from that interrogation? Read the review...
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: Ms. Right

Homeland Review: Ms. Right

Brody spent much of this week's Homeland in the woods, while it seems Carrie might now be out of it. Read the review to see what we thought of the episode...
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: Bomb In A Bunker

Homeland Review: Bomb In A Bunker

Homeland finished its first season with a brilliant 90 minute episode. Read our review to see of the finale wrapped things up nicely for the holidays.
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: Come To Life

Homeland Review: Come To Life

Carrie went into a state of mania in the penultimate episode of Homeland's first season. Will she recover in time to save the day?
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: Cabin Fever

Homeland Review: Cabin Fever

Brody and Carrie had quite a time at the cabin, but was it all for nothing? Read our review of this week's Homeland to find out.
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: The Razor's Edge

Homeland Review: The Razor's Edge

Nobody can prove what Brody may or may not have done on this week's Homeland, so read our review to see what we think about the whole razor situation.
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: Smartly Selfish

Homeland Review: Smartly Selfish

Carrie and Brody started their own Veterans' support group on this week's Homeland. Read the review to find out why the show itself needs no help.
Posted in: Homeland
Homeland Review: CIA-mazing

Homeland Review: CIA-mazing

Homeland is here! The CIA thriller premiered tonight, so take a look at the review to see what went down in Washington this week.
Posted in: Homeland

Homeland Quotes

Carrie: I missed something once before. I won't, I can't let that happen again.
Saul: It was ten years ago. Everyone missed something that day.
Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Carrie: Because Abu Nazir is playing the long game. This way no one expects a thing.
Saul: Except you?
Carrie: Except me.