Cheers! - IWTV S02E08 - And - Interview with the Vampire
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Louis tells Daniel about his feelings while in the crypt, as he felt that Claudia was dead and thought about many what-ifs throughout his life.

Armand says that the consequences for saving Louis involved him being ridiculed and demoted within the coven. He also talks about hearing Louis scream in from starvation.

To get Louis out, Armand placed a sacrifice in an old vault coffin and swapped it out for Louis’s, as no one was paying attention to him. He then gave Louis blood, and he was able to escape through the sewers underneath the city.

Louis headed to the cemetery where he killed the keeper and found an old crypt where he kept the bodies of those he killed and plotted his revenge.

Armand tries to speak with him telepathically, but Louis ignores him at first. Eventually, Louis asks Armand if he saved him, and Armand says he did. Louis then tells him to steer clear of the theater the following night after curfew.

Louis sets the theater on fire, killing six of the thirteen vampires there. He also takes Claudia’s dress and the journals before leaving.

 He then kills two by blade, and two more blow up as they try to escape the city, thanks to a contingency plan Louis put in place.

Luis lures Santiago to him through the tunnels through a series of insults, and when he emerges, Louis cuts his head off.

In Dubai, Daniel reaches out to Ragland James for something; later, Rashid delivers a newspaper to him.

In Paris, Louis and Armand talk, and Armand admits that he started lying to Louis the night he turned Madeleine. He denies being a part of the play, simply staying in his coffin while they rehearsed or escaping to Louis’s.

 Louis and Armand visit Lestat at Magnus’s lair. Louis says he’s come to kill him, but Lestat says it’s an impossibility. Louis then kisses Armand in front of Louis, telling him that it is his death, as he’ll have to live out the rest of his life knowing Louis and Armand are together.

Louis and Armand then tell Daniel about their travels after that before Louis tells him there’s nothing else to the story.

Daniel has follow-up questions for Louis and finds inconsistencies in his story. He tells Louis that there was more than one person in the theater who could have saved him, and he pulls out a copy of the play with notes in the margin.

It’s revealed that Armand lied to Louis and was the one who directed the play. Flashbacks show Lestat was an unwilling participant in the trial and Lestat was the one who forced the audience to say banishment, effectively saving Louis.

Louis and Armand argue as Daniel tries to leave. Louis leaves the penthouse, warning Armand not to hurt Daniel and telling him he must be gone before he returns.

Louis goes to New Orleans, where a hurricane is set to hit. He goes on a city tour and sees a vampire collecting rats. He then follows the vampire, where he finds Lestat.

The two discuss Lestat saving him, and Louis thanks him for the gift he gave him. Lestat then asks him about the night in San Francisco when Armand called him and asks if he tried to hurt himself. The two discuss Claudia briefly before embracing as the hurricane rages and shakes the house.

Sometime in the future, Daniel’s book has been published, having sold over five million copies, and he appears on a talk show where the host doesn’t believe his story.

Upon leaving, he contacts Louis telepathically, revealing himself as a vampire, turned by Armand. Daniel tells Louis that the vampires are upset with Louis due to the book.

In Dubai, Louis puts his feet in the rocks and sends a message to the vampires talking about him; he owns the night.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

I tasted the blood. I knew it was his. Why, I thought. Claudia is dead. I was dead. I was dead. But my rage. My rage had risen. Followed closely behind by my madness.


Daniel: Are they still there right now? In your feet?
Louis: If you took an x-ray, they'd look like little cancers.
Armand: He could remove them anytime he wanted to.
Daniel: Or maybe he has, and he's been lying to you all these years for effect.