Continuing Conversations - IWTV S02E07 - I Could Not Prevent It - Interview with the Vampire
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Louis details to Daniel what happened after he, Claudia, and Madeleine were abducted, as he fought back but was outnumbered and overwhelmed. He could hear Claudia being tortured and even placed into the box with the rats while he was unable to help.

Once they were brought to the stage, Louis was in and out of consciousness. The coven had also cut their ankle tendons so they were able to walk, as well as using their power to disorient them if they spoke out of turn.

Louis, Claudia, and Madeleine were props in a play designed and rehearsed by the coven.

Lestat appears on stage, immediately going off script, as they detail his life at the theater previously.

Armand is shown to be in a box at the theater, with Sam keeping guard. This was to be his punishment, and he would die if he left. Armand tells Daniel he spent the entire trial trying to figure out how to save Louis.

Lestat and Santiago detail Lestat’s life in New Orleans, and Lestat tells the audience that Louis was the one who pursued him, which Louis says is a lie before he’s disoriented.

When a soldier in the crowd yells a homophobic slur from the balcony, Lestat goes to him and ridicules him, calling out his failures and exploits to the crowd, continuing to go off-script.

When Lestat returns to the stage, he and Santiago return to the script.

Santiago reads from Claudia’s diary, and flashbacks show the night Claudia was turned from Lestat’s perspective, which differs from Claudia’s version. Louis tells Daniel that Lestat’s version is correct, even if, at the time, he believed it wasn’t.

Lestat then talks about the fight between him and Louis the night Claudia returned to their townhouse in New Orleans. Lestat is portrayed as not wanting to hurt Louis, who taunts him with insults.

Lestat tells the audience that he broke Louis that night because he couldn’t persuade him to return his affection. He says that he had a lot of time to think about that night while in his coffin and then apologizes to Louis.

Louis tells Daniel that Lestat’s apology didn’t move him, but it did move Claudia.

Claudia stands up on stage and tells the audience that nothing was ever about her and only about Louis and Lestat.

After Claudia’s speech, Lestat and Santiago continue the play, which leads them up to the sentencing.

Santiago proclaims himself to be the new coven leader, and the coven insists that Madeleine be given a choice before sentencing. She is asked whether or not she wants to join the coven or die, and she tells the crowd that Claudia is her coven. She is then declared guilty and sentenced to death.

Claudia is also found guilty and sentenced to death, vowing to kill everyone in the room in the afterlife.

Louis is found guilty, but when the audience readies to give his punishment, everyone is rendered speechless until someone says banishment.

It’s revealed that Armand used all his strength to silence the crowd and influence the banishment decision, effectively saving Louis.

Louis is then taken away and buried alive in the crypt, while on stage, the observatory lens is opened, killing Claudia and Madeleine. Claudia sings as her body breaks down, looking at Lestat as she dies.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Daniel: Sacks come off and your characters in a play.
Louis: Props. Props in a play. A play that's been fully designed and rehearsed. And every actor on stage has scripted lines except for us.

Daniel: Armand sold you out.
Louis: I'm talking now.