Making The Hit - Marvel's Runaways
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A flashback shows Jonah's alien being possessing a southern preacher in 1932. He gives a boy the power to walk again.

In 1957, the body of the preacher is quarantined due to its decay and white marks. The alien being takes over the body of Dr. Jonah, a medical specialist from Melbourne, Australia.

In 1979, Jonah meets with the enigmatic free love leader, David Eller, to create the Church of Gibborim. A young toddler Leslie meets Jonah for the first time.

The parents of PRIDE celebrate the defeat of Jonah. They disband their group and focus their solo efforts on finding their children again.

Gert looks to her future; she's considering finishing high school online and applying to Smith University early. She also wants to take Molly to Massachusetts and adopt her at 18.

Nico wants to move on as well. She's reeling from killing Jonah and the fight with Karolina.

The news claims that the explosion is due to Stein's weather balloon destruction.

Livvie provides evidence to the DA that Darius had an alibi on the day of Destiny's death. The police show the evidence to Catherine. The trio plan to clean up the loose ends and send a message to Livvie.

Karolina demands that the Runaways have a day off. Alex agrees; everyone will take the day and decide tomorrow what to do for the future.

Alex visits Livvie at the hospital and wants to help them clear Darius' name. A drive-by ensues and their car is shot at by the police.

Frank tells Leslie about killing Destiny's brother. Leslie plans to shut down the church. She will call the cleaner one more time and then Frank is on his own.

Tamar warns Livvie to not talk to the cops because they're involved in the attack and the cover-up. Livvie teams up with the Runaways to prove who killed Darius.

Geoffrey is furious with Catherine for nearly getting Alex killed in the drive-by shooting.

Leslie pays off Flores to dispose of the dead body. Frank takes photos of their meeting at a distance.

The Runaways break into the penthouse of a hotel to conduct their mission. Alex plans to hack into the hotel's surveillance footage to find evidence of the shooting.

Chase and Gert pretend to be a married couple to distract a hotel employee. Chase finds the university application in Gert's bag; he's upset that she kept another secret from him.

Vaughn helps Karolina break into Jonah's office to get a piece of him. Karolina finds a voice recording from Jonah that explains the truth of her father.

The hotel staff is alerted to the Runaways breaking into the penthouse.

Alex hacks into the security footage from the boutique next door. He discovers that his mother shot Darius and covered up the crime, not his father.

Geoffrey gives Tamar the money and property he owed Darius; he apologizes for what happened. Tamar makes a vow to build her own empire as retribution.

Frank shows the incriminating photos to Aura and Francis. He plans to overthrow Leslie and take over the church.

Jonah's message to Karolina tells her to be strong.

Molly lets herself be captured to give the group time to flee. Before she's able to use her powers to run, Detective Flores appears to interrogate her.

Marvel's Runaways
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