Watch Modern Family Season 6 Episode 5 Online to find out what happens when Phil and Claire try too hard to persuade a nice couple to move in to the house next door.

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Watch Modern Family Season 6 Episode 5 Online to see Phil make a major realtor's mistake. He was given the listing to sell his old neighbor's house who is going through a divorce. Phil finds a nice couple and he and Claire really want them to move in. Unfortunately another loud, obnoxious, trashy couple also wants the house and is willing to put in a higher bid.

Phil and Claire invite the first couple over to try and persuade them to take the house, but end up drinking too much wine and coming on really strong. They accidentally make some sexual innuendos. Phil and Claire don't realize their mistake until the couple withdraws their offer and Haley points it out.

Phil can't bring himself to lie to his old neighbor, the seller. The obnoxious couple moves in and then hit on Phil and Claire.

Jay tries to invent a sock dispenser, but is thrown off track when he finds out that Manny is dating his old work rival's granddaughter. Gloria invites Early and Jay to dinner to try and hash out their differences but it doesn't work. He even later mentions he might steal Jay's idea.

Mitchell and Cam are excited when they hear there is an opening in the other second grade class. Lily's teacher is strict and causes her stress. After they awkwardly switch Lily, Lily makes it clear that she never wanted to leave her original class. They are left to clean up their mistake.

Episode Details

On Modern Family Season 6 Episode 5, Phil and Claire worry an obnoxious family is about to buy the house next door, when they scare off the original buyers.

Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (19 Votes)
Modern Family
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Modern Family Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

Oh relax, I'm sure you guys will find a couple that wants to get with you.


Not since I fell off the roof while they were delivering our trampoline have things come together so beautifully.
