Only Murders In The Building - Bugs & Porky Season 1 Episode 4
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Charles finds an old Valentine's card from the mysterious Lucy. A life-sized Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig hang out in his apartment.

Cinda Canning (Tina Fey) records narration for a new episode of her podcast.

Oliver's son Will, a veterinarian, comes over to Oliver's apartment to help with Winnie.

Charles and Mabel visit Oliver. Winnie will survive, but Oliver believes the killer is sending them a message, and he shows them the threatening note he received. Oliver thinks Sting is behind the note and Winnie's poisoning.

Mabel discovers that Tim Kono's old investment firm represents Sting and that Sting has recently lost millions. Sting is the client that Howard has mentioned in Episode 3, the one that had lost a large sum in investments thanks to Tim.

Looking at Ursula's list, Charles finds that Sting was in the building the night of the murder and that he stayed behind during the fire alarm. The trio decides they need to seek out advice from Cinda Canning, the mastermind behind All Is Not OK In Oklahoma.

Charles approaches his neighbor, Arnav, who knows Canning, in hopes of arranging a meeting. Arnav says he'll try, also mentioning a recent FaceTime with Lucy, in which she seemed "happy."

Jan shows up on the elevator again, flirting with Charles. Mabel and Oliver encourage Charles to ask her out. 

The trio meets with Cinda Canning. They praise her podcast as their inspiration. They mention that they have a "celebrity suspect" and ask for advice. Canning suggests bringing him an offering, citing an instance when she brought a turkey to the mayor to get his confession. The trio witness Canning get "acquired" for $30 million.

From his apartment, Charles hears Jan playing the bassoon from across the courtyard. He plays his concertina, and they duet from a distance. A note from Jan appears under Charles's door, asking him out to dinner. Charles is nervous, confiding in Mabel and Oliver that he is terrible at dating.

At their dinner date, Jan divulges about her childhood, her therapist, her issues, her previous relationship - her "wounds." Charles is reticent to share any personal information, and Jan is disappointed by his secretiveness.

Oliver brings a turkey over to Charles's apartment, saying they must take it to Sting tomorrow morning before he leaves on his "rainforest tour." Charles leans into Oliver's zany plan, realizing that his hobbies are all he has.

With a roast turkey in hand, the trio visits Sting, and he lets them in. When questioned about Tim Kono, Sting tells them that Tim used to work for him, but Sting fired him. He confesses that he yelled at Tim, telling him to kill himself, and now feels responsible for his death. Anita, Sting's assistant, sets the record straight -- Sting is not a murderer, nor a dog poisoner. Sting is relieved to hear that Tim was murdered.

Charles visits Jan at her apartment, along with his imaginary Bugs and Porky, and tells her the story of his previous relationship. He dated a woman named Emma for six years. When Emma moved in, she brought along her seven-year-old daughter, Lucy. Charles made Lucy omelets every morning and tried to give her some stability. Midway through a Caribbean cruise, Emma left with Lucy, leaving Charles with Bugs and Porky (for whom he'd paid extra). At Emma's request, Charles never saw or spoke to them again. Jan listens and agrees to a second date with Charles.

Mabel finds "The Shore Road Mystery" in Tim's "Hardy Boys books. After some research, she suspects that Gus Montrose, a character from the book, is the "G.M." from the mysterious note. The real-life Gus Montrose buys and sells jewelry.

Exhausted, Charles goes to Oliver's to tell him about Jan. Will returns, telling Charles and Oliver and that he has been listening to the podcast. Will expresses concern that they are working with Mabel, as Mabel knew Tim Kono. Charles and Oliver are stunned that Mabel kept this from them. Will suggests that Mabel wanted to avoid suspicion, citing the death of Zoe ten years ago.

Mabel exits the Arconia, followed by a person in a tie-dyed hoodie.

Flashforward: A few months later, Cinda Canning records her next investigative podcast, which we've been hearing her narrate throughout the episode. "Only Murderers In The Building" is about Charles-Haden Savage, a fake TV detective, who wanted to solve a murder in his building. 

Only Murders In the Building
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