Tejada Sibling Time - Power Book II: Ghost Season 3 Episode 9
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Tariq goes to Davis's office, looking through Saxe's office. Cane shows up, as he's been trying to get ahold of Davis to help Effie, and the two argue before exchanging blows. Davis breaks it up, and after Cane leaves, Tariq tells him about the police file from Zeke's murder scene he found in Saxe's desk.

Tariq takes the original report from Davis and says he will hide it so it doesn't come back to bite them.

Blanca and Jenny fail to get Effie to talk, and after getting called by Medina, they discover Saxe has died. Later, the three meet with Agent Young and deduce that Davis had something to do with the murder. Jenny then tells them they have to flip Effie.

Cane practically runs Brayden over, clipping him with his car door, and then confronts him about whether he knew Lauren was alive.

Monet and Diana read a letter from Saxe, which blames Tariq for his death, and says Tariq is working with the FEDs.

Tariq visits Brayden in the hospital and tells him he has to do something about Lucas.

Evelyn goes to Monet at the bar and asks about Gordo. Monet denies knowing what happened to him, but Evelyn pushes back and threatens her before Cane arrives, and she leaves.

Dru tells Monet and Cane they have to take the Castillos out.

Tariq asks Obi for more time to meet their quota since the Wall Street operation is shut down. Obi agrees to stall Noma if Tariq can get him green cards for his family in Nigeria.

Tariq goes to Tate for the green cards in exchange for boosting his numbers. When Tate asks Tariq if Weston Holdings is dirty, Tariq denies it, but Tate doesn't believe him. And after talking with Harper, they meet with a man who has evidence against the company, and Tate offers to back his claims.

Davis goes to help Effie, but she declines his help.

The FBI raid Weston Holdings, with Lucas nowhere to be found.

Jenny receives a letter from Saxe detailing his feelings for her and telling her to let the white whale go, but she decides to double down on bringing down Davis, the Tejadas, and Tariq.

Jenny and Blanca confront Davis about Saxe's death.

Tariq tells Brayden to kill Lucas, but he pushes back because he doesn't want to be like Tariq. Tariq then asks him what he's willing to do for their family.

Lucas calls Medina and tells him, Jenny, Blanca, and Agent Young he's on the run because he knows who's responsible for the Ponzi scheme and the drug running through the company. He offers to tell them in exchange for immunity and tells them to look into Crashcoin.

Brayden asks Kiki for information about where Lucas may be, telling her he will make everything go away.

Dru and Cane trapped the Castillos inside their restaurant and flood it with poisonous gas. Evelyn is still alive when they go inside, and Dru apologizes for killing Gordo. She then tells him that Monet wanted Lorenzo dead just before Dru kills her.

Diana asks Tariq if he's working for the FEDs, which Tariq denies. After he leaves his dorm, Diana sneaks back in to look around and finds the Zeke police file.

RSJ tells Tariq that Tate was the one who blew the whistle on Weston Holdings.

Dru and Diana try to piece together Tariq having the police file. They deduce that Tariq told Monet about Lorenzo killing Zeke. Cane also admits to them that he knew Lorenzo killed Zeke. The kids then confront Monet, which leads to an intense fight, and Monet kicking them out of her house.

Tariq pays Pinky for getting eyes on Lucas, and he prepares to kill him. However, inside the apartment, Brayden confronts his uncle, asking him to sign a letter clearing the family, but he won't. Brayden then pushes him off the balcony to his death.

Cane visits Effie, wanting her to flip on Tariq, but she tells him she won't do it.

2-Bit confronts Tariq, telling him Saxe sent him a letter with Tasha's address. He gives him the letter and his vehicle in exchange for Tariq's car.

Tariq goes to Tasha's address and watches from outside. Yas sees him, and the two watch as Tommy pulls up and shoots the Marshalls stationed out the house.

Tommy holds Tasha at gunpoint before Tariq comes inside and holds his own gun up. When Tommy gets distracted by one of the Marshalls coming into the house, Tariq aims to shoot at him but is knocked out from behind.

When Tariq wakes up in the hospital, Tameika is at his bedside and tells him that Tasha is missing.

Power Book II: Ghost
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Power Book II: Ghost Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Tariq: What the fuck happened to you?
Brayden: Cane went fucking Suge Knight on my ass cause he found out Lauren was alive. And Effie got arrested. He thinks I’m up to it.

My brother, stupid motherfucker. Saxe deserved a bullet, no doubt. But that should have been my bullet. Not Theo’s.

Davis [to Tariq]