Pretty Little Liars: Summer School - S01E08 - Final Exam
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The episode opens where the previous one left off, with Faran discovering Kelly's body in the pool face down.

Faran jumps in to save Kelly before giving her CPR and saving her.

Afterward, the girls meet at the pizza to discuss possible Bloody Rose Suspects.

Mouse tells the group that she found her grandmother and the Real Rose Waters hanging out in her house.

After connecting some details, the PLLs think Bloody Rose may target other mothers and leave roses as a mark.

The next day, a news report announces a prison riot broke out at the prison where Archie Waters was being kept and that he was presumed dead.

Kelly visits Tabby and Imogen, telling them she and her mother suspect Chip's mom, Mrs. Langsberry, could be behind the murders.

Imogen and Tabby head to Mrs. Langsberry under the guise of delivering Chip's old things and discover she has also received red roses.

At the school, Principal Smithee gives the girls the unfortunate news that they failed their Keystone practice tests.

At Jen's suggestion, the girls begin to suspect each other's love interests, leading Imogen and Tabby to look into their respective boyfriends.

While restocking ice cream at her summer job, Imogen finds the bodies of the victims and immediately suspects Johnny before knocking him out and locking him in the walk-in freezer.

Tabby searches for evidence at Christian's house when Bloody Rose surprises her before Tabby falls down the basement stairs and passes out.

The girls discover that the server for the SpookySpaghetti site is at the movie theater, but when they investigate, they find a note from Bloody Rose that leads them to a live stream of Tabby's kidnapping where she is being confronted by Bloody Rose and "A."

In a twist, the real killers are revealed to be Mrs. Langsberry as Bloody Rose and Wes as the mastermind behind everything that had happened.

The proxies of Spooky Spaghetti try to stop the girls from escaping the theater while Tabby runs into the woods to escape Wes.

After knocking out three of the proxies, Tabby lures Wes to Bloody Rose's shack and pins him to the wall by stabbing him through the shoulder with a pitchfork.

Wes, Mrs. Langsberry, and the proxies are all arrested, and a few weeks after the events, the girls pass their Keystone tests, officially kicking off summer for them.

At Dr. Sullivan's office, Archie Water appears at her door before stabbing and killing the doctor.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Lola: This is my friend, Mouse. Rose waters. She was Angela's mom. And Angela was friends with...
Mouse: With Mom.

Faran: I had the chance to take Bloody Rose down again, but...
Kelly: If I get an opinion here, you did the right thing, saving me instead.
Faran: It wasn't even a question. Despite the shit you pulled at Hell House.
Kelly: I am so sorry about that.