Scandal News

13 Deeply Flawed Characters We Can't Get Out of Our Heads

13 Deeply Flawed Characters

Villain or protagonist, some of the best characters on TV are flawed in their own fascinating way. Once they're in your head, they won't let go.
Posted in: Yellowstone
17 Cute Color-Conscious Couples

17 Cute Color-Conscious Couples

It's 2019. Time to put that old fashioned way of thinking behind you. Here are a list of 17 of our favorite interracial couples. Did your favorite make the list?
Posted in: Scandal
19 TV Characters with Mommy Issues

19 TV Characters with Mommy Issues

Not all relationships between mother's and children are ideal. Because of bad parenting, these TV characters have plenty of mommy issues dating back to their childhood.
Posted in: Bates Motel
Love Hurts: 25 Obsessive Love Stories on TV

Love Hurts: 25 Obsessive Love Stories on TV

Love is not always love... especially not when it comes to obsessive love. We've put together of some of the most obsessive love stories which range from codependency to stalking to full on murder.
Posted in: Gossip Girl
15 WTF Moments from 2018

15 WTF Moments from 2018

Even our favorite TV shows can make us question what the powers that be were thinking. Here are 15 decisions from 2018 that were totally uncalled for.
Posted in: The Simpsons
15 Bromances That Turned Deadly

15 Bromances That Turned Deadly

We're looking at some of our favorite TV bromances that took a deadly turn. Whether accidental or intentional, some involved the ultimate sacrifice for the other.
Posted in: The Originals
11 TV Geniuses Who Resorted To Crime

11 TV Geniuses Who Resorted To Crime

It's always fun to see genius characters on our television screens, but it's always more interesting when they use their wits on committing a crime. Check out our list of criminal geniuses!
Posted in: Breaking Bad
21 TV Characters Who Could Use A Therapist

21 TV Characters Who Could Use A Therapist

October is the mental health awareness month, but our dedication to our beloved yet troubled characters need to be on a daily basis. Is your favorite character a part of the list?
Posted in: Legacies

Scandal Details

Scandal comes from the awesome mind and fingers of Shonda Rhimes.

It stars Kerry Washington as a fixer in D.C. named Olivia Pope, someone who can easily handle all political crises and issues, but who is knee deep in them herself:

She's been carrying on an affair for years with the President of the United States! This is the central topic of Olivia's personal life, though more and more covers to light regarding Olivia as the series carries on. We learn a great deal about her scheming parents, for example.

Pope leads a team of self-proclaimed Gladiators, all of whom bring a particular set of skills to the job.

Scandal also stars Tony Goldwyn, Bellamy Young, Scott Foley, Jeff Perry, Darby Stanchfield, Guillermo Diaz, Katie Lowes and Joshua Malina.

It's totally crazy, suspenseful and awesome. You should watch every week on Thursday nights on ABC.

Number of Episodes
Start Date
Kerry Washington, Darby Stanchfield, Tony Goldwyn, Columbus Short, Bellamy Young, Joshua Malina, Jeff Perry, Katie Lowes, Guillermo Diaz