Marnes and Nichols - Silo
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Juliette is called to the room and learns that Jahns has died.

Sam is saying that he knows it's rat poisoning because he's witnessed it before.

He starts to point fingers and then gets annoyed that Juliette is there.

Juliette tells him that there have been some strange things happening and that she needs to look for answers.

They agree to work together to help each other.

Juliette moves her belongings back up to Central and in flashbacks, we learn that her brother was sick.

He and their mother subsequently died and Juliette was left to look after herself because her father focused more on work.

The day it all crumbled was when he told Juliette to dispose of the family belongings.

She went to Martha with a forged letter telling her that she was to work there.

However, Juliette was caught out when Matha realized the spelling was off.

Juliette's father asked her if she was happy there, she said yes, and stayed.

Back in the present, Juliette tried to get some answers about the past and what it meant for the future.

Robert had a document to take Juliette away from the job but Sam said they can keep her for now because she will make her own mistakes.

Sam then has a flashback of his final night with Jahns and signals he'll be breaking the rules in the future.

However, he's attacked inside his house and when it looks like he's found his gun, the bad guy turns the gun on him.

Juliette finds the hidden documents inside Holston's apartment.


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Silo Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Sims: Sam, I hear what you're saying. I do.
Bernard: We're just asking for a little discretion.
Marnes: Discretion?
Sims: Bernard's not wrong here. It'll be bad enough when word gets out she's dead. Add murder to that and the situation might become unmanageable. Bernard: People of the Silo need comfort.
Marnes: You know, if it's... if it's comfort that you want, you can get me a focused Judicial list of every criminal who's ever crossed my path 25 levels either side of the Mids deputy station.

Bernard: Miss Nichols.
Marnes: What the fսck are you doing here?
Bernard: I had a porter retrieve Miss Nichols, as she's soon to be our sheriff. Sims: She's not.
Marnes: Well, she ain't gonna be sheriff till she's been sworn in.
Bernard: I'm well aware of that, Deputy. But considering the urgency of the situation, I thought it best that she join us.
Marnes: Like you would know what the fսck to do here anyway.
Bernard: Miss Nichols, I'm Bernard Holland, the head of IT.
Juliette: Oh, I know who you are.