FIery Blaze - Station 19
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The team quickly show up to rescue Maya. She tells Andy that she's scared, and Andy tells her to think about what she has to live for.

We get flash foward/dreams of Carina having a baby and later Maya having one as well.

As they're fighting a fire tornado, Travis tries to calm DOm down and thinks about his future which involves a museum trip and some traveling with Vic and Dom. He and Dom are togethe rand he and Vic are in the same place.

Natash and Beckett face down the fire tornado, and she thinks abou ther future wedding, officiated by Ben with her sister as Maid of Honor and Beckett as Best Man. They jump the broom and everyone is there, including Jack and  pregnant Caina.

At the hospital Ben is with Theo until he gets taken into the Or and tells him to hang in there.

Theo thinks about his future, becoming INspector, being married to the woman he talked to at Natasha and Sullivan's engagement party and having a child.

Meanwhile Ben runs into Carina where she lets it slip that she's pregnant. But they get a call of a pregnant woman out there.

She says she wants to go and Ben won't take her until she suits up.

They're out in the wildfire and find the couple in the car. The man is badly burned and the woman is having the baby right that second. Carina has to deliver in the wildfire.

The fire closes in, so they have to pull out their flame resistant bags and hop in them. They're all hunkering down until the fire goes over them, but Vic freaks out when a branch falls on hers and fire gets inside.

They tell her to calm down. She thinks about taking Crisis One nationwide and some of those closest to her there when she does it. She also thinks about Dean telling her that he's proud of her.

Sullivan thinks about a future where he opens up a veterans space.

When they all get up, they're fine, except Andy doesn't answer the callback, and they dont know where she is.

They have to find a way out of there and run through the fire. But then Beckett offers to sacrifice himself to get them out of ther.e

He thinks about his future with Natasha's sister, Jinny, and playing couples games with her and Tully.

Andy shows up with the tribe she helped last time and they start putting out the fire. They've made progress in stopping it.

But Andy collapses.

Carina delivers the baby and thinks about her future. Hanging out with Dina and Peggy, the lesbian moms who always help out and volunteer. And their three kids being bigger, Liam being a teenager.

THey rush Andy into the ambulance. Everyone rushes to the hospital to be with her.Jack shows up there too. Andy dreams about her and Jack being together, and having a do-over from when he wanted to propose years ago just as Jack as saying he can't imagine his life without Andy.

She recalls how she got help and that she would always risk everything to keep them safe.

Carina tells Maya that she's pregnant and they celebrate together.

Three months later, they give Vic a sendoff on her last day.

Jack makes Dean's chili for her.

Everyone brings Vic her favorite foods and Theo shows up with a cane and pierogies. He tells her that he's gong to miss her.

Andy gets on Theo's case about coming back to Nineteen.

Ben pulls Andy aside to talk to her. He tells her he's going back to do his residency, which she expected, and that she's his father's wildest dereams.

Ben thinks about all of their kids graduation from college, including Pru, who becomes a firefighter.

Vic signs her name under the table. And they all join her.

At the airport, Vic is surprised when Travis is sitting behind her. He's coming too. He knows that home is wherever she is.

Somewhere in the future, Andy is the new Fire Chief and Maya is Captain at Nineteen. Andy talks to all the new recruits about how special Nineteen is, including Pru Miller-Warren.

they get a call,

Andy stands around, looks at her father's photo in the glass case, and walks out.

Station 19
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