The Event News

The Event Review: "Protect Them From the Truth"

The Event Review: "Protect Them From the Truth"

President Martinez unleashes a tough new strategy to force Sophia to reveal the detainees' plans on this episode, "Protect Them From the Truth", as we also meet a new detainee, Maya. Elsewhere, Agent Collier's suspicions grow more severe.
Posted in: The Event
The Event Review: "To Keep Us Safe"

The Event Review: "To Keep Us Safe"

The President's staff gets to work on an evaluation of the situation that led in the aftermath of the plane. Elsewhere, Blake Sterling interrogates Sophia... and a mysterious character reveals an awareness of the detainees' plans in "To Keep Us Safe".
Posted in: The Event

The Event Quotes

Sean: Oh my god could they drink!
Leila: Yes.

Secret missions expert: Simon did you intercept it?
Simon Lee: I couldn't stop it - they're airborne.