Harper Asks What Happened - The White Lotus
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Cameron wakes up and tries to get rid of Lucia and Mia. He only has 1800 euros on him and says he'll get the rest of the money to them.

Cameron swears Ethan to secrecy. Ethan isn't feeling great, but Harper feels worse because she thinks something happened while she was gone.

She finds a condom wrapper and tries to get him to tell her what happened countless times, but he's cagey about it.

Daphne asks what happened and Cameron plays it off as though it was a boys night that was fun.

Harper thinks Daphne has no friends and that she wants her to be her friend.

Tanya goes to a party with a group of men and Portia accompanies her. She gets close to Jack, the hot pool guy, but Albie is watching and starts being super awkward.

He shows up and says it's time for Portia to go.

Lucia gets close to Albie and at the bar, Portia and Jack kiss, while Albie and Lucia kiss. Portia is taken aback and leaves with Jack.

Valentina buys the receptionist's jewelry after hearing it's her favorite place.

Mia gives Giussepe two drugs that he thinks will get him hard to have sex with Mia.

He is taken to the hospital with a suspected heart attack.

The White Lotus
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The White Lotus Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Thanks for all the fun. Bye.


Cameron: 1800. That's all I have right now.
Lucia: You don't have the money.
Cameron: I'm gonna get it. Let's go.