A Wedding Celebration - When Calls the Heart
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Rosemary squeals when she learns that Elizabeth and Nathan kissed and are together.  Nathan arrives and realizes Rosemary knows.

Lee and Rosemary discuss the land they sold Lucas. Lee states it was supposed to be a legacy project, something their children and grandchildren could enjoy. He has a grand vision of what Lucas could do with the land.

Bill and  Henry promise Lucas this mess will blow over and that Rosemary and the Valley Voice will support him. He doesn’t know how he was so wrong about Jeanette.

Jack runs off to get Pal. Nathan reminds him to tie the lead to him before untying it. Elizabeth and Nathan kiss and talk about taking a picnic, but Jack overhears and wants him and Allie to come, too.

Mike is super excited but is worried about breaking traditions, such as having no engagement ring or bachelor party.  Lee assures him that Mei loves him and to enjoy the moment.

Minnie refuses to let the couple get married without a proper wedding cake. Faith and Lily think the icing is delicious. When Mei joins them, Faith tries to convince her to let them throw her a shower. Fiona returns, and there are lots of welcoming hugs.

Fiona introduces herself to Lily, and the little girl tells her that Auntie Faith misses her.

Bill tries to apologize to Rosemary for leaving her out, but she doesn't make it easy.

The girls discuss future plans, and Angela mentions attending the School for the Blind in Hamilton and teaching other blind people. Minnie overhears this and isn’t pleased. Elizabeth and Jack come by, and Jack announces they're going on a picnic.

Elizabeth goes inside with Minnie, and Minnie packs them lunch. Minnie also mentions Angela's plans. Elizabeth feels bad if she overstepped, but Minnie is concerned about the distance.

Nathan and Allie discuss that he and Elizabeth are a couple now.

Fiona tells the others about her work with the Suffragettes in Nashville. She was going to ask Faith to join her, but she could tell Faith was happy with Lily. Mei gets an upsetting telegram from her brother.

At the picnic, Allie distracts Jack by picking berries to give Nathan and Elizabeth privacy. They flirt and tease, revealing that they both have secrets.

Bill and Lee approach Mike, urging him to let them throw him a poker party. Fiona arrives, and everyone's happy to see her, but she brings bad news. Mei's brother can't come to the wedding, and Mike is afraid that breaking tradition is breaking bad luck.

Elizabeth asks Jack on the walk home how he feels about spending more time with Nathan and Allie.

Rosemary and Lee stop by and tell Lucas not to get everything in the paper get to Lucas. He apologizes to them for not being honest about what happened. They accept his apology and understand he thought he was doing the right thing.

Lee wants to turn the land into a national park, where animals and trees are undisturbed and trails for hikers and campsites. While it may not be a huge moneymaker, Lee thinks the local towns will still benefit, and they’ll be preserving something important and providing legacies for the kids.

Mei comes looking for Mike and starts to freak out when she can't find him.

Henry brings Lucas an editorial and warns him before he reads it. It says Lucas is hiding in Hope Valley, and his future in the Capital is unlikely. The Chronicle wants his resignation.

Nathan and Elizabeth's secret game seems childish at first when she reveals an embarrassing story from her past. Still, Nathan confesses that he almost took the inspector position in Union City because of their complicated history.

Elizabeth reveals that she was scared she'd despise the Mountie that replaced Jack, but she doesn't blame him for his death. This was a much-needed talk.

Mike is still missing in the morning. Lee asks Rosemary to keep an eye on Mei while he calls Nathan. When Rosemary arrives, Mei is in tears, afraid Mike wants to call it off. Rosemary assures her that they'll laugh about this one day, and she can count on Mike.

The guys find out Mike went to Buxton and are contemplating the possibilities when he returns, needing their help.

Mei looks gorgeous in her traditional Chinese wedding dress when she hears music. The entire town has traditional instruments. Mike apologizes for making her worry, but he brings her a real ring. He also brought her brother with him, which took longer than he thought.

The wedding and reception were gorgeous. Faith tells Fiona that it is tempting to join her, but she belongs here.

Lucas thinks he should return to Capital City and asks Lee to join him in assisting with the National Park project.

Superintendent Hargraves interrupts Nathan and Elizabeth, saying he has more information about Jack's death.










When Calls the Heart
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