Quotables from Week Ending Feb. 26, 2015

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Check out some of our favorite quotes from the week ending February 26, 2015.

1. "I want you to become the next Ra's al Ghul." Arrow

Ra's al Ghul: You tasted death and you wanted more, but the truth is everyone and everything must come to an end. Even for one such as me. Oliver: Kill me, but spare John Diggle's life. Let him go. I will beg for it. Ra's al Ghul: You have shown tremendous strength, fortitude, power. No, Mr. Queen. I don't want to kill you. I want you to take my place. I want you to become the next Ra's al Ghul.

2. "If you think that’s how I’d get pregnant we need to talk." Castle

Rick Castle: Checking you for bites and scratches. Just making sure you didn’t somehow get impregnated. ------ Kate Beckett: If you think that’s how I’d get pregnant we need to talk.

3. "Donna, you know I love you." Suits

Harvey: Donna, you know I love you.

4. "This woman is a liar and a cheat, why should we trust her?" The Musketeers

Athos: This woman is a liar and a cheat, why should we trust her? ------ Milady: Aramis is dead, the King is in terrible danger, but by all means let's discuss my moral character. We have all day.

5. "I don't need a congressional honor." Marvel's Agent Carter

Peggy: I don't need a congressional honor. I don't need Agent Thompson's approval or the President's. I know my value, anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter.

6. "We're even wearing the same unisex cologne." Cougar Town

Laurie: We're even wearing the same unisex cologne. "Both" by Bruce Jenner.

7. "When I grow up I want my specialty to be homemade pickles." Fresh Off the Boat

Evan: When I grow up I want my specialty to be homemade pickles. ------ Emery: That’s new for you. ------ Evan: I was gonna tell you. ------ Emery: No it’s fine. I guess I’ll just have to share a bunk bed with a total stranger. (walks off in a huff)

8. "Wonderful things can happen when you sow seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes." Justified

Rylan: Wonderful things can happen when you sow seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes.

9. "Finch, how do you know so much about getting marijuana?" Person of Interest

Reese: Finch, how do you know so much about getting marijuana?

10. "If a dead dude's shed explodes in the woods..." NCIS

Tony: If a dead dude's shed explodes in the woods and there's no one around to hear it, did it make a sound?

11. "How'd you get in my phone?" Modern Family

Jay: How'd you get in my phone? Does this mean that when we talked the other day, you knew I was in the can?

12. "Happy, don't question Walter." Scorpion

Toby: Happy, don't question Walter. Didn't you see the interview? He's better than us.

13. "Emirical evidence doesn't lie." The 100

Wick: I'll have you know, I was a god at fluid dynamics. ------ Raven: You think you're a god at everything. ------ Wick: Empirical evidence doesn't lie.

14. "Whatever it is that you and I are doing, it's over." Togetherness

Alex: Whatever it is that you and I are doing, it's over. I'm not doing your bidding anymore, so don't call me. Just keep doing your superficial charade in Larryland, because I don't want any part of it.

15. "Hey Pete. I'm not exactly sure what your problem is." Nashville

Rayna: Hey Pete. I'm not exactly sure what your problem is. Maybe the good Lord only gave you two inches. I don't know. But I'll tell you one thing. You ever try to contact my friend again or in any way mess with her, I will make it my mission to ruin you. And unlike you, I actually have the power to do it.

16. "I'm telling you, you can't create love in a few hours." The Big Bang Theory

Leonard: I'm telling you, you can't create love in a few hours. Right? ----- Penny: Careful. You're poking at the whole foundation of The Bachelor.

17. "Oh wow, first two writers, now three." The Odd Couple

Marcus: Marcus: Oh wow, first two writers, now three. This book is gonna be twice as good! ------ Felix: Well that math teacher screwed him in more ways than one. This book is gonna be twice as good! ------ Felix: Well that math teacher screwed him in more ways than one.

18. "I'm still in prison." NCIS: New Orleans

Ross P.: Oh, sure thing, you know. I'll just, I'll just step on out and get my cell phone a ring-a-ding-ding. Hold up, hold up. What's that? Oh, I'm still in prison? Oh. I'm still in prison.

19. "There is no handbook!" Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

Jake: There is no handbook! You're not the answer lady. Marriage is not a one size fits all deal. I don't know. You don't know. All I know is I am still, and screw me I probably always will be, in love with you!

20. "I used to have a teeming mane just like this." The Blacklist

Red: I used to have a teeming mane just like this.

21. "That's why I had to keep my secret." Archer

Lem Kane: That's why I had to keep my secret. Can you imagine what that would mean to big oil or OPEC? ------ Archer: Well, there's no need to be racist. ------ Lana: How is the acronym for the organization of pertoleum exporting countries racist? ------ Archer: Oh, that's what it means?

22. "Lights. Camera. Freak show." Eye Candy

George: Lights. Camera. Freak show.

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TV Quotes
Arrow, The Musketeers, Marvel's Agent Carter, Cougar Town, Fresh Off the Boat, Justified, Person of Interest, NCIS, Modern Family, Scorpion, Suits, The 100, Togetherness, Nashville, The Big Bang Theory, Castle, The Odd Couple, NCIS: New Orleans, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, The Blacklist, Archer, Eye Candy
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TV Quotes Quotes

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Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll