19 Ladies Who Tamed TV's Bad Boys

We know all about the bad boys. Let's celebrate the ladies who whipped them in to shape! Read on for our list of awesome women who reformed TV's most broken men.

13 Shows Completely Lacking in Parental Supervision

Thirteen shows proving TV is completely lacking in the parental supervision department. Looking at you, Pretty Little Liars. Find out what else makes the cut!

17 TV Shows We Miss More and More Everyday

Face it, even with all the new TV shows arriving on the scene, we still crave some oldies but goodies. Feast your eyes on these and go back to you happy place.

17 Characters Who Look Hot When Wet

Check out our picks of these 17 TV characters who are literally dripping with sexiness. Who needs an umbrella when water can do such wonders?

21 Teen Dramas We Couldn't Get Enough Of

Grab your Trapper Keeper, and your books! This Throwback Thursday, we're looking at some of the teen dramas that you couldn't get enough of, no matter how old you were.

50 TV Shows Set in the 50 Nifty United States

We're doing a roll call of all fifty states and the great (and not so great) shows set in each one. Take a look to see which show belongs to your state!

19 Best TV Character Catchphrases

From "Bazinga" to Bart Simpson's "Eat My Shorts," here are the TV character catchphrases we totally love. Or love to hate.

23 TV Bad Boys We Can't Help But Love

Below you will find a list of the most droolworthy, troublesome, downright badass television bad boys. Here is a list of 23 of our favorites!

17 TV Moms We Sort of Wish Raised Us

Happy Mother's Day! In honor of this annual occasion, we're here to pay tribute to television's best moms. Don't you wish these ladies had helped raise you?

23 Epic TV Couples Who Define True Love

These 23 epic TV couples remind us all that true love really is possible. Talk about awww-inspiring!

Friday Night Lights Quotes

"When Jason Street went down the first game of the season, everybody wrote us off. Everybody. And yet here we are at the championship game. Forty thousand people out there have also written us off. But there are a few out there who still believe in you."

Eric Taylor

We will all at some time in our lives, fall. Life is so very fragile, we are all vulnerable, and we will all at some point in our lives, fall, we will all fall.
We must carry this in our hearts, that what we have is special, that it can be taken from us, and that when it is taken from us, we will be tested. We will be tested to our very souls. We will all be tested.
It is these times, it is this pain, that allows us to look inside ourselves.

Eric Taylor

Friday Night Lights Music

  Song Artist
Muzzle of Bees Wilco iTunes
Song Evergreen The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Song Bang a Gong (Get it On) T. Rex