Supernatural vs. Lucifer: A Satanic Showdown!

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Lucifer on Supernatural has been around a lot longer than Lucifer on Fox, but while Supernatural only features their devil from time to time, Lucifer on Fox is all about the devil all the time.

It may seem like the two having nothing in common, but they actually are quite similar.

They both dance and sing. They both killed their brother. And they both have shown off their evil red eyes.

But which one does it better?

Check out our list and let us know which devil you prefer!

And if you haven't seen either devil (shame on you!) you can watch Lucifer online or watch Supernatural online to see the difference!

1. Demonic Eyes

Even with his red eyes, Fox's Lucifer doesn't look all that scary. This prize goes to Supernatural's Lucifer who looks absolutely frightening in his new rock star vessel. Just look at that sneer.

2. Dancing Kings

Both Lucifers really know how to bust a move, but Supernatural's Lucifer won this contest since he doesn't need a partner to get his groove on.

3. Super Strength

Both Lucifers have the chokehold down pat even if they are using it for different reasons. When it comes to Chloe, Lucifer's anger knows no bounds. Supernatural's Lucifer is angry because he's locked in the cage, but he's got Dean right where he wants Sam's sight. This one's a tie.

4. The Voice

This is a runaway win for Lucifer on Fox. Lucifer not only sings, but he plays the piano too...a complete package. We don't think Supernatural's Lucifer cares too much about his singing quality. His only goal is to annoy Sam...and he succeeds.

5. Face Off

We've never really seen Supernatural Lucifer's true form. We've seen him decay and switch vessels, but what really lurks under that meat suit we'll never know. Fox's Lucifer has been much more forthcoming when showing his true form whether it's revealing himself to the bad guy or to Dr. Linda, Lucifer isn't afraid. Lucifer on Fox wins this Face Off.

6. The Satanic Party

Both Lucifer on Fox and Supernatural's Lucifer crashed a Satanic party. While Lucifer on Fox was offended by what the cult was doing, Supernatural's Lucifer loved the ceremony because it gave him the opportunity to return to Earth and fix his body. We'd expect the Devil to delight in worship so this one goes to Supernatural.

7. Let Us Pray

Neither Lucifer was praying for a good cause. Supernatural's Lucifer and his followers were praying to bring about the apocalypse. Lucifer on Fox was praying for his brother to come to the Lux so he could take his mother back to Hell. This one's a tie.

8. One Has Cool Tricks...

Supernatural's Lucifer has some cool tricks up his sleeve. He's very direct and to the point when he needs to be. With the simple snap of a finger, he can wipe you out in a puff of smoke...or blood. It just depends on what type of creature you are.

9. ...The Other a Cool Car

Lucifer on Fox might not be able to do much when he snaps his fingers, but he does have something the other Lucifer doesn't...a cool car. This one's a tie.

10. A Sleek Sense of Style

Both Lucifers look mighty fine in their sleek suits, but Lucifer on Fox wins this one. He just seems much more comfortable than Supernatural's Lucifer. Maybe that's because both Lucifer and Sam are more jeans and t-shirts type of guys.

11. Working on Daddy Issues...

Although Supernatural's Lucifer's daddy issues aren't yet resolved, he still had the opportunity to at least have a talk with dad.

12. ...No Answer From Dad

Lucifer on Fox has been trying to talk to his dad, but he really hasn't gotten an answer he likes. Now, not only does he have daddy issues to resolve, he's got mommy problems as well. Supernatural wins.

13. The Death of a Brother

Both Lucifers had difficult choices to make when it came to a beloved brother. Lucifer on Fox killed Uriel in order to protect Chloe. It still bothers him, but he had to do what he had to do. Supernatural's Lucifer killed his brother Gabriel in order to save himself. Once again, Supernatural's Lucifer acts like a devil should...selfishly. This one goes to Supernatural.

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