What We're Watching: February 16 - February 22

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Want to know what's hot on TV this week? Check out what we're watching here at TV Fanatic now to find out! Be sure to let us know what you're watching! We don't want to miss a thing!

1. Better Call Saul - Nacho

Did Nacho make Jimmy an offer he cannot refuse? We'll find out on Better Call Saul Season 1 Episode 3 when the series settles into its permanent time slot Monday night at 10.

2. The Bachelor - 1909

Chris Soules took Jade home to meet his folks in this week's two-part Bachelor special. Tonight four of the women will take him home to meet their folks, but the biggest question is whether the fourth woman will be Carly or Britt!

3. The Originals - I Love You, Goodbye

As Hayley and Jackson prepare to for their wedding, Klaus reveals his plans to make sure Jackson isn't an issue for the Mikaelsons. Kol's life hangs in the balance and Freya is still on the loose. Tune in to The Originals Season 2 Episode 14 tonight at 8 pm on The CW.

4. Castle - Reckoning

It’s the conclusion of the annual Castle two- parter on Monday. Beckett has been abducted. 3XK (or is it 3XK?) and his beautiful but creepy partner Dr. Kelly Niemann are on the loose and Castle goes to a very dark place in order to get his wife back. It’s one of the the most suspenseful episodes of the series and I can’t wait.--Christine Orlando

5. Gotham - The Blind Fortune Teller

The Scarecrow arc on Gotham was good enough to restore my faith in the show for the interim. the Riddler is getting more interesting, the Penguin is set to make a big power play, and the circus is in town.--Orrin Konheim

6. Fresh Off the Boat - Persistent Romeo

Much of the exposition is out of the way and we're now going to see whether this show can hold its own. Check out Fresh Off the Boat Season 1 Episode 5 on Tuesday nights on ABC.

7. The Mentalist - Brown Shag Carpet

The Mentalist series finale. I’ve watched it from the beginning. Red John is long dead and Patrick Jane is trying to move on with his life. Hopefully he'll get to do that with Teresa Lisbon but first they have another serial killer to stop. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we get a satisfying and happy ending to this intriguing series.--Christine Orlando

8. Empire - Our Dancing Days

On Empire, Jamal made a misstep last week by not coming out when he had the chance but hes either going to redeem himself this week or things are just gonna blow up in his face. Meanwhile, Cookie and Andre are stepping up their game as power players. --Orrin Konheim

9. Hindsight - The Cranberries

If you haven't been watching, on the eve of her wedding to long-time friend Andy (her second marriage), Becca passes out and wakes up on the eve of her first wedding 20 years earlier, to Sean; a marriage that ended badly. Thinking it's her second chance to get it right the first time, Becca switches things up, calls off her wedding, tries something with Andy, but nothing is as she expects. Now she's heading back INTO her relationship with Sean; maybe second time's a charm? It's crazy and a great look back at the 90s, especially if you've ever wondered "what if." And... who hasn't?--Carissa Pavlica

10. The Vampire Diaries - Let Her Go

Looking forward to hearing Damon's eulogy for Sheriff Forbes on The Vampire Diaries Thursday at 8. It will probably be a light spot in an otherwise dark episode. --Leigh Raines

11. The Odd Couple - Pilot

I'm looking forward to the premiere of The Odd Couple. I was a fan of the original and I love the casting of Matthew Perry and Thomas Lennon. Matthew Perry has not had the best of luck post-Friends, so I hope this one is successful for him. --Stacy Glanzman

12. Scandal - No More Blood

Did Iran really win Olivia Pope, or were they, like everyone else, proxy bidding for the modern day Helen of Troy? We'll find out when Scandal Season 4 Episode 13 airs on Thursday night.

13. How To Get Away With Murder - Mama's Here Now

It looks like Annalise is headed towards a major breakdown on How To Get Away With Murder, as she continues to deal with Sam's death and her role in the cover-up. The arrival of her mother, played by the fabulous Cicely Tyson, is going to make this a must see episode.---Whitney Evans

14. Vikings - Mercenary

It's insane that Ragnar Lothbrok started off in Season 1 as a farmer curious to explore the West. In Season 2 his legend grew and now he's King! Each season the series has grown bigger and bolder; the writing more complex. I'm excited to see if King Ecbert keeps his promises, what the Paris raids are like and if Ragnar makes it out of Season 3 alive. If you're not watching Vikings, you should be... It's phenomenal television!--Henry Otero

15. Glee - Wedding

Glee promised us a wedding this season and while many thought Klaine would be the ones to tie the knot, Brittana get the honors. Of course, there's always a chance this could become a double wedding! Tune in Friday night to find out.

16. The Oscars 2015

Neil Patrick Harris hosts The 87th Academy Awards on Sunday night! All eyes will turn to Hollywood as The Oscars 2015 kicks off with myriad walks down the red carpet. Who will be the lucky ones to take home the famous golden statue? We'll find out on Sunday night.

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Better Call Saul, The Bachelor, The Originals, Castle, Gotham, The Mentalist, Empire, Fresh Off the Boat, The Vampire Diaries, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, Vikings, Glee
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Better Call Saul Quotes

You know, Jimmy, sometimes in our line of work, you can get so caught up in the idea of winning that you forget to listen to your heart.


Lawyers, we're like health insurance. You hope you never need it, but man oh man, when you do...
