Andrew McCarthy News

The Brat Pack: Pack or Ploy?

The Brat Pack: Pack or Ploy?

A journalist in the 1980s applied the term "Brat Pack" to a group of up-and-coming young stars. But were they a pack, or was the whole thing a ploy?
Posted in: Movies

Andrew McCarthy's career really took off primarily duing the 1980s when he was featured in numerous Brat Pack films including St Elmo's Fire and Pretty in Pink.  Additionally, in 1989, McCarthy starred in one of our favorite 80s comedies, Weekend at Bernie's.

Since the 80s, McCarhy's career has slowed down and with the exception of his small role in The Joy Luck Club, Andrew has mostly had roles in small independent movies.

We cannot tell you how thrilled we are to see this handsome, talented actor find his way back to recognition with his amazing role as Joe Bennett.

Role Show
Joe Bennett Lipstick Jungle
Birth Date:
New York City