Missing Shipment - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

When a truck driver is murdered and the drug he was transporting goes missing, Jubal, Tiffany, and the team hunt for those behind the remaining batch that is already wreaking havoc on the streets of New York.

Scola on Stakeout - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

When a truck driver is murdered and the drug he was transporting goes missing, Scola and the team hunt for those behind the remaining batch that is already wreaking havoc on the streets of New York.

Trucker Murdered - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

When a truck driver is murdered and the drug he was transporting goes missing, OA and the team hunt for those behind the remaining batch that is already wreaking havoc on the streets of New York.

Chasing Drug Dealers - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

When a truck driver is murdered and the drug he was transporting goes missing, OA, Tiffany, and the team hunt for those behind the remaining batch that is already wreaking havoc on the streets of New York.

Deadly Drugs - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

When a truck driver is murdered and the drug he was transporting goes missing, the team hunts for those behind the remaining batch that is already wreaking havoc on the streets of New York.

Drug Outbreak - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

When a truck driver is murdered and the drug he was transporting goes missing, OA and the team hunt for those behind the remaining batch that is already wreaking havoc on the streets of New York.

Helping Associate - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

Jubal is thrust closer to a case involving drugs and a murdered truck driver when the identified suspect is someone close to him.

Jubal in the Middle - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

Jubal is thrust closer to a case involving drugs and a murdered truck driver when the identified suspect is someone close to him.

Jubal's Dilemma - FBI Season 6 Episode 12

Jubal is thrust closer to a case involving drugs and a murdered truck driver when the identified suspect is someone close to him.

FBI Season 6 Episode 12 Quotes

Body is old, which means so are our leads. So let's get busy.


Tiffany: How's Gemma?
OA: Ah, she's good. But that was Maggie. She's still in Ohio with Ella. They're having fun but she's definitely ready to get back.