Janine: These new district people...they smile in your face, and tell you your ideas are good...but they suck, right?
Barbara: You know, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I actually have hope for this new group. I think they can make change.

Manny: You don't trust us, do you?
Barbara: Honestly? No. I've seen many versions of you walk through that door, all with nice smiles, appearing to care.

Janine: I can't be away from my classroom for that long. I want to cry just thinking about it.
Jacob: You actually are crying.

Gregory: What did you do over the break?
Janine: I just spent a lot of time with myself. And it was good for me! I feel...sure, centered, good.

So, yeah. I work for the school district now. You guys missed a lot.


Abbott Elementary Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Gregory: What did you do over the break?
Janine: I just spent a lot of time with myself. And it was good for me! I feel...sure, centered, good.

So, yeah. I work for the school district now. You guys missed a lot.
