I am not talking to children. I am talking to men, or at least I hope so. You two are New York City cops. We break up street fights. We don't start them.


Cop: You're not gonna believe the word of some felon over me. I'm a cop.
Danny:: You're also an idiot.

Jamie: All this over an air fryer? Seriously? You got any weapons?
Kid: No.
Jamie: You got the wrong cop, they might have snapped, drawn their weapon. All over an air fryer.
Kid: My mom wanted one for her birthday.

They're related by blood and also by an awful burden and that is what really chafes for those two.


Sean: I come from a family of cops and I can't even protect myself from some jerk in the park?
Danny: Don't let him get you down on yourself.
Sean: It's not him. It's you. I keep asking myself what you would have done.

Eddie: How do we know the florist didn't mix her up with someone else?
Badillo: He's the neighborhood Gladys Kravitz.

Frank: I want both of them in my office together.
Abigail: Forthwith.
Frank: No. End of tours. I don't want to compound this stupidity by pulling cops off the street/

Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 9 Quotes

Eddie: How do we know the florist didn't mix her up with someone else?
Badillo: He's the neighborhood Gladys Kravitz.

Frank: I want both of them in my office together.
Abigail: Forthwith.
Frank: No. End of tours. I don't want to compound this stupidity by pulling cops off the street/