Velasco: Why is Benson so obsessed with this case?
Bruno: You know Benson, she's all about bringing closure to the families.
Velasco: Yes, but why this case? This is a little above and beyond, don't you think?

I did it. I raped and killed my own cousin.


If you're gonna start this again, this time you better finish it.

Gwen's Cousin

As far as I'm concerned, we buried all this with Gwen. And whoever took her, I hope he's six feet under too and rotting in hell!

Mr. DeMarco

So you didn't catch a cold case. It caught you.


I can smell the mildew on the files from here. What are you investigating? The missing LIndenberg baby?


Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 12 Quotes

So you didn't catch a cold case. It caught you.


I can smell the mildew on the files from here. What are you investigating? The missing LIndenberg baby?
