The more things change, the more things stay the same. Unfortunately, for better or worse, lately, that's not how life's been feeling to me.


Nathan: Look, Bill, I know you and Henry have had your issues in the past, but this cannot be guilt by association.
Bill: Yeah, I know.
Nathan: You know, someday when I'm asked to turn in my uniform, I might feel differently about what you're going through, but Bill, prolonging this process, it can't be helping.

Florence: The prisoner you captured -- he escaped.
Nathan: What? Do they not lock the cell doors in Granville prison?

If that is the way you look over one happy student, you must have been just beaming at this year's graduation.


Elizabeth: I was worried this might happen if he and I tried to be friends.
Lucas: I can accept a friendship between you and Nathan, but I don't think he'll ever settle for only your friendship.
Elizabeth: I'd prefer it if we could discuss this at dinner. Right now, I'd like to comfort a sad little girl.

Nathan: No, Lucas, you don't owe me any explanations, but I just want you to know that I haven't given up on Elizabeth just yet.
Lucas: You can do whatever you want, but you better make good sure that you have Elizabeth's and Allie's best interests at heart, not your own.
Nathan: Lucas.
Lucas: Save it!

  • Permalink: Save it!
  • Added:

You can be a hard man to read, but you're worth it, cover to cover. We know that turning in your uniform means a great deal to you, so it means a great deal to your friends because after all, you should know, the uniform doesn't make the man. As I suggested, put it on. It will fit, I promise. And do us all a favor. Put on a good show.


Elizabeth: I tried to tell you at the parent-teacher conference. You are her rock. You are her foundation. If you let her down, her whole world crumbles!
Nathan: I know. It's part of the reason I'm trying not to show you how I feel about you! It's why I turned down the promotion to inspector because, believe me, there's nothing I would have welcomed more than to leave here. But Allie finally started putting down roots somewhere. She made friends. She felt safe here. I'd never seen her so happy!
Elizabeth: That's why we have to find a way to make things alright for her! You said yourself. You stayed because she was happy!
Nathan: I said it was part of it.
Elizabeth: I know there's something you haven't told me, and I want you to tell me what it is. Now!
Nathan: At Fort Clay, at Fort Clay, I was the one who was supposed to lead the training mission, not Jack. I was disciplined for an earlier incident, and your husband, Jack, replaced me. I'm sorry, Elizabeth. There was never the right time to tell you. I wanted to.

When Calls the Heart Season 8 Episode 8 Quotes

Nathan: Look, Bill, I know you and Henry have had your issues in the past, but this cannot be guilt by association.
Bill: Yeah, I know.
Nathan: You know, someday when I'm asked to turn in my uniform, I might feel differently about what you're going through, but Bill, prolonging this process, it can't be helping.

The more things change, the more things stay the same. Unfortunately, for better or worse, lately, that's not how life's been feeling to me.
