Searching for A Dangerous Detective - Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 10
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Danny is attempting to arrest a guy when another detective shows up ranting about the guy having been arrested two weeks ago. Danny kicks him out. However, instead the detective lunges at the perp and Baez gets punched in the scuffle.

Frank wants to know hwo his next appointment is with. Abigail says that he has a schedule on his desk. It turns out the visitor is Henry who has official business. A cop he knows died and the family is applying for compensation from the 9/11 fund but the fund is jammed up because of false claims so he wants Frank to push it along. Frank says that's it? Frank says done.

McNichols cancels Jamie and Eddie's weekend off because of new requirements. The good news is she is sending them on a different second honeymoon: an undercover assignment together. There is a sober living place getting a lot of compalints that might be an insurance fraud mill. She wants Jamie and Eddie to be back in action together. 

The angry detective decides to confront the defense attorney  who got the defendant off and drags him away.

Most of the records from 9/11 have been lost because of Superstorm Sandy. ABigail is concerned because the cop in question had lots of photos on social media of him smoking or drinking. Frank tells her to lose the judgment. Lots od retired cops live a long time with that lifestyle. He wants her to keep looking for a way to get this done.

Danny finds Sid in his office. They banter with each other. Sid wants to talk to him about Vanderlip. He says Vanderlip is a great cop. Hw ahows him a video of Vanderlip interrogating the attorney. Danny asks if he hurt the guy? No, but now he's disappeared. Danny asks what this has to do with us. Sid says they have to find Gus because Arnett is pressing cahrges.

Jamie goes to ERin and Anthony about the sober living facility. He wants to know what the dos and don'ts are No agency has followe dup on complaints. He explains this is not how he wanted to spend his anniversary. Eddie shows up with poppy seed bagels etc to make them test positive for drugs. Erin tells them they can look but don't touch .

Eddie and Jamie go to a site for testing and Jamie tries to question the clerk about where people who test positive go. He and Eddie sit down and Jamie asks Eddie what she was doing 5 years ago. Eddie's name is called.

The cops search for Gus. Two other cops are on the street and claim they don't know anything about what Gus supposedly did.

Frank thinks ABigail left something out. She found that this cop didn't work at Ground Zero. He did work peer-to-peer counseling after 9/11. Hours and hours helping survivor families. They can't call it work that gave him his fatal illness. Abigail says tearfully that he made great key lime pie and baked and delivered hundreds of those. She claims her tears are just allergies.

Eddie tells a worker about how Jamie lost his dad and money issues etc. The woman gives them keys and rules. The woman allows other residents to smoke weed. People start arguing over loud music and the woman unplugs it and then slams her office door.

There is another video of some woman saying the judge ruled for the defense. Vanderlip says this acocunt was given under coercion but is true. Cops have a right to know what they're up against.

 A woman offers Jamie rat traps if he gives her drugs. He gives her $20 instead and she says Wexler is not a real doctor.

Frank talks to Henry who says O'Rourke was a great guy and great cop. Frank says he put in 1,000 hours and never asked for overtime. Frank says however not one minute was at Ground Zero. Henry says that can't be right. His widow and sons and the union and cop pals all thinks so. Frank says it's a fraudulent claim. Henry wants him to take that back. Henry didn't want him to investigate, just pick up the phone. Frank says he can't do that. This guy is a hero but not a Ground Zero one. Henry asks if he's gonna kill the application? Henry says next time just say yes or no, and leave him alone.

Vanderlip shows up at the judge's office He has unplugged her phone and has a gun. He wants her to walk him through how she let this serial rapist go. SHe doesn't know who he is talking about. She tells him to put the gun away or she's not talking.  She shoots VanderLip.

Danny and Sid show up and Sid claims she shot an unarmed man. She says he fled after she shot him and we are done here.

At the sober living, Eddie says so the place gets kickbacks when inmates fall off the wagon. She hates this place. River shows up and asks Jamie to hang out with her outside while she's meeting her friend. He wants his $20  back so she doesn't buy drugs. She won't. She goes to meet the ugy outside Jamie takes photos. Some cops across the street walk in, ignoring River.

Danny goes to Vanderlip's precinct. His bosses claim they know nothing. Danny threatens them.  THey admit he's at a doc-in-the-box getting fixed up Danny warns the guys not to cross Frank. Sid whispers to Danny he's afraid Vanderlip will talk him out of collaring him.

Frank finds a note from Henry saying staying with friends, don't call me.

Jamie says to Eddie no one is trying to hide their drug use. He says you got your phone? Watch me. He puts music on the jukebox to cellebrate their anniversary. Everyone is dancing. Jamie is recording. The cops from earlier show up and say give me your phones. Jamie and Eddier efuse. Meanwhile River starts seizing. The cops say their Narcan is in the car and are shocked that Jamie and Eddie are cops too. River passes out.

Danny goes looking for Vanderlip and a doctor says he left 5 min ago. Danny does not believe him. Vanderlip shows up and says give us the room. Vanderlip says just say I left five minutes ago. Danny says he has backup out there. Vanderlip doesn't trust lawyers. Vanderlip takes out his gun. Danny takes out his. Sid comes up with a gun too. Vanderlip wonders if there has ever been a suicide by cop involving all cops. Sid and Danny ignore that threat and Vanderlip surrenders.

McNichols tells Jamie and Eddie good work. EMTs come through with River, who is alive. Eddie says the serenity prayer.

Danny and Sid discuss Vanderlip. Sid doubts Vanderlip is really suicidal. He will want to go at 90 miles per hour with his hair on fire.

Vanderlip sends a video saying what has it come to? He held the judge at gunpoint and the judge got the better of him. They realize he's at the airport. THey should call it in but they don't.

Frank finds Henry at church. Henry doesn't want him to talk. Henry says eventually this isn't about him, it's O'Rourke's widow and kids. Frank says Henry is a contract guy who wants the world to be in balance. A lady behind them tells them to be quiet and Frank tells her to be quiet herself. He says he's sorry but the fund is reserved for Ground Zero heroes.

The priest has everyone rise for Amazing Grace.

At Sunday dinner, Frank asks Jamie what he got Eddie.  Erin says fifth is the wood annviersary. Everyone laughs at Jamie. Henry thinks they should renew their vows. Everyone says Jamie must have forgotten the vows. Jamie and Eddie say their vows together and kiss.


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Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 10 Quotes

Eddie: Any point in us pushing back?
McNichols: Have you met me?

This account as well as the one from the Legal Aid attorney were given under coercion, but that doesn't mean they're not true. Cops got a right to know what they're up against when they turn criminals over for justice.
