An Unlikely Ally - Chucky
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Everyone is at the hospital.

Jake things Lexy is dead ... until she sneaks up on him. She confronts him about the doll and he says it killed his father.

She is mad because he put it in her house, but she realizes they need each other to survive.

They go back to the house to try find the doll, and are in a tough scenario because the house is falling apart.

Lexy falls and Chucky implores Jake to kill her. Chucky is below with a knife as Lexy dangles below. Chucky tries to stab her and Jake manages to pull her up.

A police officer arrives and takes the doll to the hospital for Caroline.

Jake is pulled into a room by Evans who wants to try to feed him a motive.

Chucky kills the other cop and pulls out the plug on Caroline's machine.

Everyone rushes in to find out what's going on and they plug the machine in.

The dude is totally dead on the floor and everyone screams in horror.

Chucky sticks up the middle finger to Lexy, Devon, and Jake.

In flashbacks, we meet Charles at a group home, where he kills a man who is rude to him.

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Chucky Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Why is your doll coming after me?


We have to find him and make sure he's dead.
