The Simpsons Review: Super-Sized Nelson

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Cain, Stradivarius Cain. Yeah, it just doesn't work as well as the classic James Bond introduction. And, unfortunately, neither does Homer's idiotic adventure this week.

Sometimes the secondary plot is much funnier than the primary one, which is certainly the case with "The Spy Who Learned Me." I had a lot of trouble getting much amusement out Homer's concussion and subsequent hallucinations, which left Bart and Nelson to carry the show.

Stradivarius Cain & Homer

Bryan Cranston as Cain was probably the most entertaining part of Homer's plot, providing Homer with that classic spy charm that would turn him into a better husband. But it's rather odd that all of this is the result of what must be a pretty severe head injury. Plus, Marge doesn't even comment on Homer's strange tendency to speak to his imaginary friend.

Are we suppose to believe Homer's crazy behavior is normal now?

The implausibility of this outrageous story development aside, it was nice to see Homer actually grow up a little for Marge. Since Cain is a hallucination, you have to imagine that all these pearls of wisdom exist somewhere (somehow) in Homer's mind. But what are the odds he will actually stay an attentive husband?

Homer did provide some of the best Simpsons quotes this week, so that's something, I guess.

The more hilarious plot involved a wonderfully employed Super Size Me parody. Bart watches a documentary about the unhealthy nature of Krusty Burger's food, evidenced by the star's quick descent into obesity after attempting to eat nothing but Krusty Burger for 30 days. A light bulb goes off in Bart's head, and shortly thereafter, Nelson has transformed into a tragic statistic - the obese child.

It was a nice satire not only of Morgan Spurlock's documentary but also of the growing childhood obesity problem. Brockman's claim that everyone is becoming "Mississippi fat" did make light of the situation (and probably raised the ire of that state's inhabitants), but the reality is almost too tragic not to joke about. Better to laugh than cry, right?

Bart's subplot helped move the show forwarded and provided the more entertaining satire of the evening. The last couple of outings have been centered around Bart, which was a nice change of pace after all those Homer episodes.

The Spy Who Learned Me Review

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The Simpsons Season 23 Episode 20 Quotes

Lenny: Trouble in paradise?
Homer: No, my marriage.

Homer: Now that's what I call a snappy retort.
Marge: Stop saying what you call things! I'm trying to watch the movie.