Warehouse 13 Review: Cast Out

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Everything is once again up in the air, and we’re now left wondering about the fate of the world.

As it turns out, Artie’s premonitions of his future were correct. Claudia did end up stabbing him, but context is everything, and Claudia’s love for Artie transcends it all. Claudia willingly decided to use the dagger that penetrates everything on Artie because she believes he’s still in there somewhere as long as she can get past his evil incarnation. In other words, she's casting him out.

Artie's Obsession

Even if Claudia’s idea is correct, there’s still no way to reverse Artie’s path of destruction. Leena is still dead and a terrible plague has been unleashed upon the world.

The plague is the event that interests me the most out of everything that happened on "We All Fall Down" because, until now, Warehouse events have been largely self-contained. In many ways this development has the opportunity to widen the show’s net in ways we haven’t seen since Pete and Myka were recruited. It can lead to a worldwide cooperation of Warehouses and Governments, expanding the amount of characters the cast interacts with.

Warehouse 13 is at its best by playing up its character dynamics, and tonight brought it to a new level. Leena’s death cut far deeper than I ever thought it would for Pete, Myka and Claudia, causing tears, remorse and anger.

Watching Evil Artie express his deep, dark thoughts about his team was absolutely heart wrenching because we all have those thoughts about the people we love – we all know their faults and weaknesses – but we never express those to them. We accept them and love them for who they are, and while Good Artie knows this, Evil Artie is doing everything he can to get what he wants.

Even in spirit, Leena still did everything she could to help her friends by leading Pete to the final clues necessary to find Artie and save the Warehouse. Leena’s spirit brings up another interesting question: is she truly gone for good, or can Pete sense her? Mrs. Frederick seemed to have more information than she let on to, or at least didn’t question that he could see her, and Pete’s vibes were considerably stronger with Leena.

On top of those questions, there’s still the one of wondering if Leena can be brought back to life like Steve; however, that brings a whole host of other problems because if Warehouse 13 does decided to bring Leena back to life, death begins to lose its emotional impact - and that’s a plot line that shouldn’t be crossed.

Before asking what you thought of tonight’s midseason finale, here is tonight’s winning exchange, courtesy of Steve and Claudia:

Steve: Wait, Pete and Myka get a dagger and we get a plague? Why don't we stop being the B-Team?
Claudia: We are not the B-Team fool, we are the second A-Team. | permalink

Be sure to head over to our Warehouse 13 quotes section for more of our favorite quotes from tonight’s episode.

Now, what did you think of tonight’s episode?

We All Fall Down Review

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Warehouse 13 Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

I'm definitely going to be one of those agents that go crazy.


Stop. You had me at you'll be dead.
