Cougar Town Review: The Brunch Club

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Like any good brunch, an extreme amount of time was necessary to choreograph every detail of it, as Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 8 pointed out.

I think everyone but Jules could see that Travis and Laurie had planned the entire thing out from start to finish. Everything was just a little too perfect for Cougar Town.

The smiles were just a little too fake, the sheer amount of moves and one-liners were another tell too, but Jules grew so focused on one-upping her own son's relationship with Laurie that she eventually set her hair on fire and wanted to make the best seafood tower she can for dinner later that night.

It's a testament of how strong Jules and Grayson's relationship actually is that they're willing to dive head first into the crazy together. Grayson is willing to make all of his usual jokes, but he's still ready to join Jules on her obsessive crazy train.

It's no surprise that Laurie and Travis want to emulate that, albeit maybe with a little less crazy, in their own burgeoning relationship.

It's good to see Cougar Town Season 5 begin to focus again on Laurie and Travis after largely languishing in the background. The crazy brunch was a sign of the show treating them as any other couple and a good first step in starting to legitimize the relationship to the rest of the cul-de-sac crew.

Jules is the ringleader; when Jules is on board, so is everyone else.

The rest of the side plots were largely irrelevant in this installment. Laurie's young adult novel under a pseudonym was the stronger of the two, largely thanks to Ellie being a stronger version of herself and she works Tom over for "supplies" to finish her novel.

Tom's creepiness was used to good effect, however, as watching him fawn over a young adult novel that's far past his age range.

Andy trying to be fun Daddy was relatively inconsequential, unfortunately.

What's your favorite part of brunch?

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Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

I did not watch Chapstick, but I did watch him to leave.


I don't remember taking any hallucinogenic drugs, but why else would I be seeing you in my house?
