Constantine Season 1 Episode 9 Review: The Saint of Last Resort, Part 2

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I'm not sure waiting a whole month to air Constantine Season 1 Episode 9 was a great idea. The show had a nice momentum going.

Anyway, Anne Marie had sacrificed John to the Invunche in order to escape. He in turn invited the demon, Pazuzu, into his body to fight off the nasty creature. Manny was not happy about any of this.

That's where the fun begins this week and the Constantine team delivered another killer hour of television.

Elsewhere, a kidnapped Zed has a vision of Anne Marie crying tears of blood. Definitely not a good sign right? I love that Zed managed to escape and kick a little ass in the process. It's great to see all these strong female characters popping up on TV lately, like Zed and Agent Carter. The damsel in distress has been done to death.

Back in Mexico City, Chas finds John in the tunnels and learns the truth about what went down. I'm glad John has at least one true friend and can't wait to learn more about their history.

John: Anne Marie, she made it out alright then?
Chas: She seemed fine, question is what happened to you?
John: She's quick on her feet our girl. She used the copper's gun to leave me behind and stall a hungry Invunche.
Chas: Annie shot you?
John: A bloody nun, it's a new low. Can't say I didn't deserve it though.

Luckily for John there was a sort of incubation period before Pazuzu took him over completely. He had a couple of days at most to perform a self exorcism and cast the demon out. Tell me Matt Ryan does not completely embody Constantine for you at this point. I can't even imagine anyone doing a better job.

How wicked to see Pazuzu come through, slobber and all. I'm just glad he didn't hurt Chas like he did those Mexican gangbangers. Which reminds me, I'm still having a hard time believing they moved this show to 8/7c. Seems a tad early for the content, don't you think?

It was also great Zed was brought back into the mix. Not that I'm not interested in the Resurrection Crusade storyline, I just rather the writers hold off on that a bit.

The scene with Manny appearing in the prison yard provided an important exchange.

John: I'm not ready to die.
Manny: Are you afraid of what's waiting for you?
John: No, I earned what I've got coming to me. I'm just... I have more work to do.
Manny: Then that makes this a crucible. And for the sake of the mortal realm, I hope you find what you need.

Anne Marie changed her tune the minute Zed mentioned that John talked to an angel. "John has Heaven on speed dial" Zed tells the nun. Yeah Zed absolutely rocks!

I do have to admit, I wanted to see John tear those Santa Muerte gangbangers apart. Perhaps this is where the 8/7c time slot move becomes more obvious. A blood pool under the door will have to suffice I guess.

The nun locates John. It didn't take long for Chas and Zed to arrive at the prison. It was hilarious that Zed walked in easily posing as a hooker, but Chas had to get the crap beat out of him to get arrested. During the "conjugal visit," John gets aggressive because the demon felt like sowing his oats.

It was surprising to see Anne Marie arrive to help the gang. Hey maybe she's not so bad after all. Her advice to Zed about leaving John was honest and heartfelt. of course, Zed's not going to listen to reason. She's in it for the long haul.

Anne Marie: Are you sure you can do this?
John: If there's anything I've learned in the last 48 hour it's that this demon needs me alive.
Anne Marie: And if you're wrong?
John: Well then I'll go out riding the world's greatest high; my first love at my side. There are worse ways to meet your maker eh?

How funny was naked Anne Marie distracting the prison guards? She's pretty powerful with that bi-location thing isn't she?

With all that the heroin keeping the demon at bay, our gang managed to get John back to the Millhouse. It's safe to say that Anne Marie more than made up for shooting John by even attempting the exorcism.

This demon will try to use our weaknesses against us. If it emerges, don't listen to it.

Anne Marie

Boy did Pazuzu have some mean stuff to say. Did you catch the fact that it's John's fault, whatever happened to make Chas what he is? That exorcism scene was scary as hell, wasn't it? The visual effects were outstanding. Why is this show on at 8/7c again?

The Exorcist feature film never fails to scare the crap out of me. I guess I'm just a wimp when it comes to demonic possession. I was impressed Zed managed to convince Anne Marie she had to forgive herself. The nun found the conviction to save John. It was all pretty heavy stuff, wasn't it?

Well what did you think of "The Saint of Last Resorts: Part 2?" Do you think John and Anne Marie are going to be okay? Will Zed tell John about her father? Did that exorcism scare the crap out of you like it did me? You're up Hellblazers, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Itching to re-watch the first part of this story? Remember you can watch Constantine online via TV Fanatic at any time!

The Saint of Last Resort: Part 2 Review

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Constantine Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

John: I'm not ready to die.
Manny: Are you afraid of what's waiting for you?
John: No, I earned what I've got coming to me. I'm just... I have more work to do.
Manny: Then that makes this a crucible. And for the sake of the mortal realm, I hope you find what you need.

John: Anne Marie, she made it out alright then?
Chas: She seemed fine, question is what happened to you?
John: She's quick on her feet our girl. She used the copper's gun to leave me behind and stall a hungry Invunche.
Chas: Annie shot you?
John: A bloody nun, it's a new low. Can't say I didn't deserve it though.