Finding Carter Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Something to Talk About

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Well, at least we got some dancing.

There's not much else to cheer about on Finding Carter Season 2 Episode 7, that's for sure. At some point, these poor kids have to start to move forward. Did the dance moves do it? Probably not.

While Taylor seems to have reached the end of her rope with pill popping, Grant has reached his, too. With his entire family. 

Gabe was back in a big way this week. I guess it's either him or Crash. Crash gets the meaty stories while Gabe is relegated to numbskull status for sleeping with the guidance counselor and thinking she was actually into him. Was anybody else laughing at the fanciful music they played over their make-out scenes? You can't really have a series about kidnapping kids and then expect an adult/teen sex story to fly well. Sorry!

It's easy to see where Grant is coming from, wanting to move out with Gammy and Grandpa. She listens to him and sincerely wants to help. She's also not hiding things from him. It's refreshing for the poor kid. 

As much as I love Cynthia Watros, it's painful watching Elizabeth mention Kyle's name when it makes every member of her family cringe. How can she not see that? Oh. Poor writing. The thing is, Elizabeth isn't a mean woman, nor is she stupid. For her to continue mentioning Kyle without noticing the pain it inflicts on those around her is ludicrous.

It makes me wonder if Taylor really isn't Elizabeth's birth daughter. Taylor seems to be missing a lot of interpersonal cues lately, which would indicate she takes after her mom. Granted, there is the nature/nurture argument, but I'm still holding out hope she can be cured of her misery by a simple genetic test. Why hasn't she been taken to a psychiatrist, at the very least? 

How blind is this family to miss all of the clues here? Again. Writing. Elizabeth is a detective, for goodness sakes. She makes her living investigating. David writes for a living. It's in his nature to be inquisitive and to understand human nature. They cannot be this oblivious to what's going on around them.

Carter and Max cannot hold up the entire Wilson family, although they're doing their best to try. 

And as distracted as the parents are one minute, when they get together and talk things over, as they did in the kitchen over a couple of beers, they make sense of a situation. Elizabeth and David can be supportive of one another and make good decisions when they take the time. 

Oh yes. Writing. It all comes down the the scattered writing.

One minute Taylor wonders what's wrong with her and the next she's popping another pill. That's a tip for an intelligent young woman going to Yale. It would be, anyway, if she was written to use the brain she has. Oh, Finding Carter, you're getting a little too frustrating.

The best thing about watching this week was seeing the repeated commercial for Scream featuring Max dead on Teen Wolf Lydia's lap...who doesn't want to see those two together now?! Make it happen!

There are so many characters to love on Finding Carter, but too many of them seen to have no direction, are doing stupid things or are written so poorly it's almost unfathomable. Focus, people, focus!! Life isn't this easy, either. Whether quitting pills, giving up the counselor sex or getting out of an attempted murder rap, it's hard!

I don't know. I think we need to dance.

You can watch Finding Carter online if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Get with the program!

Something to Talk About Review

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Rating: 3.3 / 5.0 (4 Votes)

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Finding Carter Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

You call, you whine, I come.


Bird: If it were me, and Abby were a guy, would you be OK with it?
Gabe: Of course, because I know you're a grown person and you know what you're doing.